The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild

aka: Hyrule Wars: From The Legend of Zelda, The Legend of Zelda: Invasion, Zelda no Densetsu: Breath of the Wild
Moby ID: 84595

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Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 95% (based on 75 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 4.5 out of 5 (based on 55 ratings with 3 reviews)

Biggest Disappointment in the Franchise

The Good

  • Innovative gameplay mechanics that encourage exploration, experimentation, and creativity.
  • Excellent use of the Nintendo Switch's hardware capabilities, with smooth performance and stunning visuals.

    The Bad
  • The open-world design may be overwhelming and lack focus for some players, leading to aimless wandering and frustration.
  • Its reliance on physics-based puzzles may make it feel more like a physics simulation than a traditional Zelda game.
  • Occasionally frustrating difficulty spikes, particularly in the later stages of the game.
  • Limited voice acting and dialogue options may leave some players feeling disconnected from the story.
  • Repetitive side quests and shrine puzzles felt like filler content.
  • Limited enemy variety. Some types felt overused or uninspired.
  • Lack of traditional dungeons led to some serious disappointment.
  • The game's story is relatively sparse and may leave some players wanting more context or exposition.
  • Inventory management was quickly tedious and overwhelming.
  • The game's durability mechanic can be frustrating, as weapons and tools break frequently and must be replaced.
  • Its reliance on physics-based puzzles may make it feel more like a physics simulation than a traditional Zelda game.
  • The game's cooking system can be tedious and time-consuming, requiring players to constantly gather ingredients and experiment with recipes.
  • The minimalist approach to its design & storytelling may be refreshing for some players, but others may find it underwhelming or unsatisfying.

    The Bottom Line
    The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a deeply flawed game that falls far short of its potential. While its open-world design and physics-based mechanics may be innovative, they ultimately feel like gimmicks that add little to the overall experience. The lack of traditional dungeons, underwhelming storytelling, and tedious gameplay systems make it a chore to play rather than an enjoyable adventure. The game's frustrating difficulty spikes, lack of enemy variety, and overwhelming inventory management only add to the frustration. In short, Breath of the Wild is a disappointing entry in the Zelda series that fails to capture the magic and charm of its predecessors.

Nintendo Switch · by WONDERăȘパン (16817) · 2023

Always come back to it

The Good
The game it's the epitome of polish. From the landscape design to the little tibbids of story it has. It really shows how Nintendo cares about Zelda and offer the best single player game that comes through this franchise. It's strange how some gameplay elements thart can be seem as flawed work very well in this Hyrule version. And, yes, I'm speaking about stamina and weapon degradation. If you think about it, Zelda has never been a role-playing game; having to craft weapons or look into resources to repair them won't make sense on an action-adventure game like this. Also, open world gameplay should have its limits and I think that stamina cost is fairer in Breath of the Wild than others. So, for the haters, it's really a question of liking open world games or not.

The Bad
The game is incredibly frustrating sometimes, though. There are a lot of annoyances that hamper exploration like weather, night spamming monsters, scarcity of some cooking ingredients and distances between warp points. Also combat mechanics are very simple and some abbilities like using the gadgets or parrying seem like a waste of time because carrying some heavy weapons look like a better way to end fights quickly. A good combo system is severely missed here. And last, dungeons... For a Zelda game you expect about 7/8 of them and more larger and profound than they are in Breath of the Wild. It needs a lot of mental effort to not think about the quantity of opportunities lost in this matter.

The Bottom Line
So, my review should be about 2 stars of 5. But, I don't know why, I spent about 300 hours on this game and, from time to time, I missed it and start playing again just for the sake of seeing how beautifully crafted Hyrule is... Maybe is one of those pieces of art which parts come together better than separated.

Nintendo Switch · by JoseMR · 2023

Very nice Zelda game

The Good
The open world. I have spent more than 100 hours on this game easily

The Bad
the graphics not next gen

The Bottom Line
The best zelda game for the nintendo switch platform.

Nintendo Switch · by adamo · 2023

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Alaka, Rent Hero, Alsy, Utritum, Victor Vance, Rellni944, ryanbus84, Tim Janssen, firefang9212, jumpropeman, lights out party, Cavalary, Flapco, ALEX ST-AMOUR, Patrick Bregger, RhYnoECfnW, Matthias GĂŒnl, Rounin, MrMamen, Keith Hathaway, lightlands, Lampbane.