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Thief: Deadly Shadows

aka: Dark Project: Deadly Shadows, TDS, Thief 3: Deadly Shadows, Thief 3: Złowieszcze Cienie, Thief III
Moby ID: 13460

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Average score: 83% (based on 44 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 105 ratings with 7 reviews)

All good things must come to an end

The Good
Admittedly my expectations were quite low, what with Ion Storm’s much touted bungling of ‘Invisible War’...I almost made the 3 hour journey to Austin to scream at Warren. Luckily ‘Thief: Deadly Shadows’ has in no way suffered the same fate. The list of good and bad aspects is a long one, so here we go:

The most prominent improvement is, of course, the update to the Unreal II engine. More than capable of rendering real-time lighting and shadows, it also gives a boost in the AI department. Because of this, I had to be more mindful of my actions this time around, because guards and others would often become alerted or suspicious if a torch was doused, if valuables were not in their proper place, or even if a guard was not present at his scheduled patrol station. Speaking of which, NPCs will often randomly stop to talk to one another and react to each other’s actions, and even start fights!

Graphics and AI upgrades aside, the nucleus of the Thief atmosphere is one thing that has not changed at all. In fact, ‘Deadly Shadows’ feels much more like a Thief game to me than the mechanical environment of ‘The Metal Age’ (even though such an environment was vital to the story, but still…). One thing I loved about the first game was its dark, gritty appearance, and that it really did give me the creeps. Thankfully, this atmosphere has made a return, and is in fact much more sinister and frightening at times than even ‘The Dark Project’. Also, a lot of familiar entities, friend or foe, have made a comeback as well, including a couple of “old friends” from the first game.

Perhaps the most outstanding difference between ‘Deadly Shadows’ and the previous two games is, rather than employ the traditional complete-a-level-and-then-transport-to-the-next-one, most of the time you’re required to journey to the next mission yourself throughout the various quadrants of the City. Along the way, you’re allowed to break into establishments, pickpocket unsuspecting citizens, and sell your loot to buy supplies at fence shops. Excellent!

The Bad
I only have a couple of major grievances, and they’re artistic ones.

First of all, I was highly disappointed at the disappearance of the between mission cut scenes that the first two games had. Gone are the tantalizing quotes and slide-show movies; now we simply have Garrett reading text that sits against a smoky background. Second, the interface was changed. I’m not exactly sure why; it can’t be because of co-development with XBOX, because the Thief games already had a very simple control scheme. This most likely won’t bother most, but it did irk me, so if you want a more traditional Thief UI I’d suggest going to TTLG.com and downloading the “tweaker”, because it does wonders. Also, there is a known bug with the enemy AI, but the 414KB patch can be downloaded from Ion Storm’s homepage or TTLG.

Many have complained about the “load zones” throughout the game (to accommodate the memory limitations of the XBOX), but I didn’t find them to be a huge distraction. Many of my favorite FPS games such as ‘Deus Ex’, ‘System Shock 2’, and ‘Undying’ have load zones, so I don’t see it as anything to gripe about.

The Bottom Line
It’s well known by many how much of a devoted Thief fanatic I am, so people like myself are 99% more likely to be extremely critical of this game. I can say with confidence that ‘Deadly Shadows’ is most definitely a Thief game in almost every sense of the word, and surpassed my expectations across the board. I confess that it doesn’t surpass ‘The Dark Project’, a magical game than can never be duplicated. In my opinion however it does offer a much more satisfying and thief-like experience than the heavy sci-fi overtones of ‘The Metal Age’. Old-timers like myself will be happy with the conclusion, and newbies will want to know more about this bizarre world that is the City.

So long Garrett…thanks for six years worth gaming righteousness.

And Mr. Spector, thanks for restoring my faith in you.

Windows · by HandofShadow (49) · 2006

Some great additions for the series, and some drawbacks too

The Good
First of all, this is the third in the planned Thief trilogy, and the fact that it's here is good. Stephen Russell is back to voice Garrett(as well as guards etc) along with other instantly recognizable(and excellent) voices, Thief style FMV's are back and they're as atmospheric and other-worldly as always, although mixed in with some that appear to be in an in-engine style, there's still the haunting ambient sounds to keep the tension up. All these things are familiar to seasoned Taffers and help bring the unique Thief atmosphere back, and should draw newcomers in to the game.

The graphics are excellent, although technically an improvement I wouldn't say that they're necessarily so, as the originals looked sharp and the graphics did the job very very well(The Dark Project even ran smoothly on my ATI Rage 2MB onboard graphics!). Deadly shadows still looks excellent(there's much less right angles too) and this is failing to mention the real-time shadows; which are a great addition to the game, and directly effect gameplay, you can now hide in the shadow of a door left ajar, or a pile of stacked boxes etc.

There is now a much more open-ended element to the game, and even some side quests that effect your standing with the factions. The City itself is very much part of the game, patrolled by the City Watch and wandered by valuable adorned passers by. There's fences and blackmarket shops throughout the City of several types - some will buy some types of goods from you and others will buy others. In turn some shops will have equipment or items in stock that other's won't. You'll have to travel across the City to get to the areas of the next mission, and this is where the open-endedness really comes into play, stop to pickpocket a passer-by, break into an armoury or a closed up tavern, or pretty much visit any area you want.

The missions themselves are varied, from a traditional manor/castle type estate to a zombie infested ghost ship, pagan settlements, a spooky maze like asylum etc, one of my favourites was the sunken city inhabited by the lizard-like Kurshock. The later levels are more difficult, and achieve a very good level of tension and scariness, in keeping with the original games. The plot quickly becomes a driving force behind the missions and, as always, the Keepers are very much involved.

The AI will notice extinguished torches and investigate missing valuables, comrades and open doors. A small point but it's now longer possible to stand in the shadows and lean into a well lit corridor unseen, more realistic and a good point in my book.

The Bad
My main gripe is the movement, which is somewhat clunky and slower to react, once you've pressed a key you've got to wait for the model to do it's thing. For example, say you're having a look around and decide to set off in another direction, the model will turn to first to face the same direction, and move slightly to one side while doing so - this resulted in falling off a close ledge a couple of times early on. Leaning also feels rather haphazard. I did get stuck in the scenery a couple of times too. That lot all said, I got used to it pretty quickly and was having too much fun to notice.

Load zones, most missions are broken up into two areas and the City is broken up into several areas, now this didn't bother me too much, but one drawback is that it's easier to run through one and leave a band of cursing guards on the other side, also they can sometimes still be waiting for you when you return, this detracted a bit from the experience.

The design of the game seemed a bit easy in places(not the AI). No swimmable water, entering deep water results in instant death. Rope arrows, while highly improbable, were fun to use but have been replaced with climbing gloves. The HUD is more obtrusive and has some unnecessary curly iron work. Now there's a lot of tweaks available on the web that address a lot of issues, but personally I thought I'd just play the game as is(and moan about it afterwards).

The missions are much smaller than the originals, but a lot of effort has gone in to making the levels not feel small. A small note but the guards will now get tired and pause while chasing you, this makes it easier to get away but may be down to the smaller levels.

The Bottom Line
There is a fairly long list of improvements and drawbacks, perhaps the drawbacks are a little longer on my list but overall the game is true in many ways to the Thief series and is a lot of fun to play through.

Windows · by Jack Lightbeard (2685) · 2005


The Good
I remember my cousin handing me his copy of Thief back in 1999 and he said “You've never played anything like this before”. From promos it looked like it belonged in the same genre as say Quake or Doom. After installing and playing I didn't find myself running around blasting monsters but avoiding that and keeping myself confined to the shadows. The problem was playing such a game at a young age brought a lot of tension and alas I found myself too scared to continue this game. So it's safe to say that I've never actually experienced a Thief game except for the start of the first one. I'm aware of this game's influence and pioneering of the stealth genre and I've even played Looking Glass Studio's magnum opus “System Shock 2”. That's why in 2009 I've decided to swallow in some courage and face my fear, play a Thief game.

I decided to start from the latest and possible final release and that being Deadly Shadows. It's a shame that Looking Glass closed it's doors before production of this game due to bankruptcy. Ion Storm picked up some of the development team and decided to make the third installment together. Being a fan of Deus Ex, a game directly influenced by Looking Glass Studio's System Shock 2, the idea of these 2 working together would seem like a good idea. Besides Warren Spector worked in both these companies and on both the above mentioned titles. So failure would most likely be equal to John Romero making you his bitch.

Thief 3 Deadly Shadows is my first real experience of this series. The game is powered by the Unreal Engine 2 this time instead of the usual Dark Engine and with havok physics added under the hood. Surprisingly I liked this game's visuals more than any other Unreal 2 powered game. It utilizes Dynamic Shadows and this has been integrated into the gameplay as I found that I could hide behind an opened door's shadow or push the a box from it's stack and be discovered as the box shadow only covers half my body. The physics are pretty good for it's time, ragdoll physics are obviously present and essential for this game.

The game follows it's traditional style of gameplay but this time they've added in the city which you're free to roam as long as you confine yourself in the shadows as a city guard or enemy is just about to brush his shoulders against you. Not to mention an optional third person perspective to complement the game's trademark first person view. You have an indicator notifying you of how hidden you are, just like the original. The levels follows a procedure of “Days/Mission/Rinse Repeat”. You'll start off at day 1 then you will head towards your mission. After the mission is complete starts day 2 and so on. These days basically take place in the city at night and have no time limit whatsoever allowing you to roam it freely to purchase equipment, loot people and places, sell loot and complete side-missions.

Storyline may also develop during these city levels. Speaking of equipments you have an impressive arsenal of them. Water arrows, oil flasks, moss arrows, flash bombs, climbing gloves to scale walls, the essential blackjack and many more. Some of them have more than one purpose for e.g. The water arrows can take out small fires and put out torches at the same time remove any blood spills and even expand the moss patches created by the moss arrows. It's obvious that the thief series has some awesome thought process going on in the designing stage.

And to further backup the above statement the A.I seems to have a lot of realism put into it. They notice torches put out, noise created by footsteps or bumping into objects, missing comrades and missing loot. The sound is simply perfect and of the highest quality. It's the major driving force behind the atmosphere of the game which is simply brilliant. The world seems to be alive, with people stopping for conversations, greeting each other and eavesdropping on conversations can even lead to a side mission or clue. There are notes laid out here and there not to mention books and journals. These can help you discover hidden loot around the city or discover side missions. Side missions can reward you with maps to a future mission's location or even the benefit of an ally.

Yes there are two factions in the city, the Hammerites and the Pagans. Somewhere in the middle of the game both sides give you a side mission & performing either one will anger one faction as well as please the other. Being an ally to these factions will benefit you in certain parts of the game adding a non linear element to the game.

The main missions which are around 9 are pretty diverse in location and length. Takes place in locations like a church, zombie infested ship, insane asylum/orphanage hybrid, mansion etc. All of them follow a rather standard blueprint. Break into location, steal a certain percentage of loot depending on difficulty level selected, find main object and leave. But this is not always the case, some missions like the insanely awesome mission “Robbing the Cradle” have some mind blowing concepts behind them.

“Robbing the Cradle” is the main reason you should play this game especially if you're not a fan of the Thief games. I may have been afraid of the first Thief game because of the tension it creates but this is just way beyond that. At the age of 21 in broad daylight in an apartment filtered with traffic noise, I almost wanted to wet my pants in the most bone chilling atmospheric level I've ever witnessed. I'd be bold enough to say that this even kicks Silent Hill's arse. So what's so great about this level? Well everything, at this point Garret the protagonist is clueless and has no lead on the lady who tried to attack him in the Hall of Statues so he seeks out an Inspector who's tracking down the hag. He is advised to visit the Shalebridge Cradle, an Orphanage which then turned into an Insane Asylum then for a short while ran as both!!!! Before being abandoned due to a fire breaking out. I won't ruin the rest but in the words of the protagonist Garrett “If there's a way to cram more misery into one building's history, I can't think of it.”

The storyline is often conveyed with cut-scenes, pre and post mission narrations by Garrett and two types of FMV. One using the in game engine and one having a kickass art direction to it. The Storyline itself is interesting although at first it may seem a bit confusing but that's probably the fact that I've not played the first 2 games. The protagonist Garrett is just awesome, they've managed to portray him well without overdoing things and just like most of the characters in the game he is voiced perfectly. There are other characters who are presented in a rather subtle manner but still manage to be memorable.

The game is rather lengthy, gameplay time can be from 25-30 hours or even more and the slow pace of a stealth game is not the major factor here. 9 city levels and 8 missions won't take a weekend and maybe not even a week.

The Bad
When I have to look at the negative aspects of the game, it lies in the more experimental parts. The movements try to recreate a very realistic feel. In first person perspective you'll notice some very natural head bobbing not to forget the fact that you can see your entire body from first person and this game does it the best, even better than F.E.A.R's attempt. If you look right you'll see your weapon, basically your head is the only thing moving when you turn your mouse. Very realistic but very annoying, takes a lot of time to get used to and very distracting. And for those you get nauseous at the sight of head-bobbing then it's your unlucky day as the game doesn't have an option out of the box to turn it off. The third person works better but really makes the game a whole lot easier allowing you to look around corners by just swinging the camera.

To make things worst the game has very clunky movement and clumsy collision detection. I often found myself stuck in the games environment between boxes and even a weird bug where i jumped against a wall and the animation got stuck but i could still move.

I mentioned the realistic A.I before and still think it's impressive but when you got such a good thing going on why leave a loophole in it? I often found that I could bonk a guard with a blackjack “BONK” he lets out a “UHHHH” and then his sword falls “CLANG TANG THISH” and the guard which is just few feet away will act like nothing just happened. Meanwhile I brush against a box which goes “TICK” and the guard which is around 8 feet away will go “I think I heard something”.

The game would be a lot better if the city didn't need me to maintain stealth and instead leave that factor to the actual missions. To make things worst the city resets itself after a mission so you may have to bonk that same guards head around 20 times. At the start it was all good sneaking by the city guard to head to the next area but after a few missions I found it frustrating but still enjoyed it in the actual missions.

Each section of the city is split into various areas like South quarter, Docks etc. All of these are joint by loading zones and the load times are pretty long. So the city missions which require you to travel a lot can get a bit annoying.

The hud and G.U.I is just bad and unattractive. You can call this a console port from the main menu itself. The text in the pre-mission dialog screen is unnecessarily large. Not to forget that you'll be scrolling a lot to see your goals and notes as that screen has no real sorting options whatsoever. The completed tasks will stay at the top while your current tasks will be at the bottom. I found myself scrolling just to read 5-8 lines of text thanks to the super huge font. If someone was so visually impaired why would they play a game that's practically taking place in the darkness?

Lastly the character models aren't too impressive except for maybe Garrett and the puppets in Shalebridge. Most of them follow a rather similar skeletal structure. It's hard to tell the difference between a Hammerite and a City Guard from a distance or a Pagan from a Thug.

The Bottom Line
I cannot say whether Deadly Shadows is a disappointment as compared to the previous two as this is my first experience of a thief game but I can say it's definably true to the stealth genre the series help pioneer and it's probably my favorite stealth game so far and this is coming from someone who's played Splinter Cell and Metal Gear. Those games went strong in certain area, Splinter Cell had good gameplay but a uninteresting story while Metal Gear had a good story but really limited gameplay as 90% of that game is dialogs and cut scenes. Despite the mentioned flaws Thief 3: Deadly Shadows is balanced well in gameplay as well as story which has an interesting plot and a rather epic ending. And with missions such as “Robbing the Cradle” you can recommend it to your horror loving friends looking for a scare trip and I'm sure they'll thank you for it.

Windows · by dreamstealer (126) · 2009

Garrett Makes His Triumphal Return

The Good
Garrett’s back! The personable thief, yet again voiced by the talented Stephen Russell, is as much of a badass as ever. The series that made popular the pattern of gliding from one pool of darkness to the next, snatching up loot along the way, and laying a guard low with a blackjack when he unsuspectingly wanders into Garrett’s path. It’s all back again, with some welcome fresh technological touches.

Arguably, the biggest change is with the visuals. Thief: Deadly Shadows is powered by a modern Unreal engine, the same engine that powered Deus Ex: Invisible War, optimized in this game for torches and pools of darkness to hide in, and boy is the engine demanding. If you have the hardware to keep the engine roaring, though, the payoff is enormous. Dynamic lighting makes the gameplay in Thief shine, and it makes snuffing out the many torches with water arrows almost a crime. The way that shadows dance on the far wall is reason enough to pause, as is how you can see your shadow while you’re creeping up behind someone, blackjack in that dark shadow’s hand, raised at the last moment to strike. Oh yes, the visuals are something to behold, that much is certain.

Hand in hand with those visuals, is the new ‘body awareness.’ Look down, you’ll see your legs, look from side to side, you’ll see your arms, weapons in hand. While climbing a ladder, scaling a wall, and all that jazz, you’re very much aware of where your body is at all times. Being able to see your own shadow is something you get used to pretty quick, but body awareness…now that’s something novel. Far from being distracting, it’s just one more method of keeping track of where you are, in a game that puts a lot of emphasis on being in the right place at the right time, so you can go unseen by the passersby. This kind of awareness is something I ache for in Valve’s Source engine, and I hope it’s not limited to Thief 3 as time goes on.

Now we come to something that really shines in this new engine – the level design. With the enhanced color palette, and the increased ability of the engine being used (no offense intended to the wonderful Dark engine, which powered the first two games), level design has reached a new height in the Thief series. Buildings made of stone actually look made of stone now, and rear up impressively. The soaring towers are reason to pause in your thieving, and the level designers made full use of what this engine is capable of. Unfortunately, the city levels are broken up into smaller sections, and each mission is generally made up of two areas linked together. More on that bit in the ‘Bad’ section, but aside from the minor annoyance that this level segregation brings, it fortunately doesn’t distract from the level design all that much. All in all, the level design is breathtaking at times, which is something I didn’t expect from this game. One of the levels in particular, Shalebridge Cradle, is also one of the spookiest I’ve had the pleasure of wandering through in a game, even factoring in the hair-raising Ocean House mansion in Vampire Bloodlines.

One great thing about the Thief series has been the sound in the game, and most notably, the voice work. Overhearing conversations has been a highlight in all three games, and many of the old voices are back again. This is one very good thing, as something familiar and as well done as ever is very nice in the light of all the other changes to the game. A conversation is still a delight to come across, and the sounds of the level are as capable of setting the mood as they ever were. Since much of the game is spent in darkness, and hiding, a great part of survival is simply listening to your environment and the enemies within it, and this game doesn’t slack when it comes to letting you use your auditory senses to keep Garrett in one piece. Sometimes the sound is a little TOO effective, as Shalebridge Cradle again brings to mind. That level manages to show off the game quite nicely, though it comes at a later point in the game.

Ahh, gameplay, isn’t that what Thief has always been about? Graphics were certainly never the main draw, and the amusing conversations have just been a bonus. No, the Thief games are all about making a profit as Garrett the Master Thief, while being given motivation to steal through well-written pre- and post-mission briefings, as well as a potent story advanced mostly through nicely done cutscenes. The cutscenes themselves are very close to how they’ve always been, and mission briefings are still narrated by Garrett, though the briefings have changed, which I’ll get to in a bit. The loot that you can pick up is now highlighted by a timed ‘glinting’, and while this happened to throw me off at first, when factoring in how rich the game world is now it’s a very welcome improvement. Even with the loot glinting, I still had to keep a sharp eye out in order not to miss any loot. Knocking out guards is still as fun as ever, and being able to see your shadow while doing it just adds that extra bit of cinematic feel, bringing you in even closer to the action. Gameplay was transferred intact to this new game, and is all the better for the changes that have been made.

An interesting touch is also the inclusion of walking around the city, getting to your mission areas by actually travelling to them on foot, and selling the loot from the previous mission along the way. Stopping by a thieving supply store, of which there are many, is also part of the game now. What this manages to do is bring life to The City, of which we saw in some missions in the previous games, but never really got much of an impression of The City outside of them. The City is definitely well-represented here, if it does seem a bit cramped. An element of realism has been placed, and it’s done nicely.

Oh, and my personal favorite touch – no more spiders. While not terribly afraid of them in real life, the spiders in the first two Thief games were...a bit much, for my taste. Hissing gigantic spiders that take up the whole screen, no thank you, sir!

The Bad
Well, for one thing, the pre-mission briefings no longer have their still-image cutscenes to go along with the narration. While not something that adversely impacts the game, it’s still a disappointment, as this was one hell of a touch of class for both of the previous games. That Garrett is still Garrett, and that he does the narrating, helps to make up for this, but the change is still there.

As mentioned previously, the levels are split up and segmented. Strangely enough, the city levels suffer from this more than the missions themselves do. Maybe it’s the amount of traveling that you will do in the course of the game, but the city segments feel a little off somehow. While it didn’t take much out of the game for me, the loads between Old Quarter and The Docks are definitely where you’ll ponder your feelings about the level segmentation. I’m sure there was a reason for keeping the levels split up, most likely performance-related, but it’s still one of my main complaints.

Swimming has been removed, and replaced with climbing gloves. The gloves feel gimmicky to me, and though I did manage to find several places to use them cleverly, I do wish that swimming had been able to be implemented in this new engine. Again, nothing game-breaking, but when you die the first time you encounter deep water, you’ll wonder what happened to make Garrett lose the ability to swim.

The Bottom Line
The Thief series has always been one of my favorite games, and Thief 2 is still a contender for my absolute favorite game, depending on the mood I’m in. When playing this new Thief, I tried to keep my feelings for the previous games separate from this game, but by the end, I had to admit that this is a true Thief game. Changes have been made, but overall, they seem to have been for the better.

If you’re a follower of Garrett, as I am not ashamed to admit being, then this game is worthy of your attention. If you have no idea what I mean by that, then all I have to say is to check out the first two games, and then consider this game again. Much of the storyline has attained closure at the end of Thief 3, storyline that has been developed through two previous games as well as this one. A fantastic storyline, at that.

At the end of the day, Thief: Deadly Shadows is a good game, possibly more if you let it be. While Thief 2 will remain this reviewer’s favorite of the series, Thief 3 has shown itself to be worthy, and because of that, I can’t recommend this game enough.

Windows · by Bet (473) · 2005

Thief: DS

The Good
- It's closer to Dark Project in terms of atmosphere and overall direction, but also features TMA-style "breaking in" mundane missions. There are zero to none placeholder or just "badly designed to the point it's unplayable" missions. - You get to explore the City between missions to find more stuff or complete side quests for different factions, find new stores to sell different kinds of loot and buy different kinds of equipment. - AI is greatly improved. - Thick atmosphere, elevated by the excellent sound design and voice acting.

The Bad
- Story is kinda "meh". Some parts of it are heavily underdeveloped, some feels like recycled bits from the Dark Project. The game also doesn't seem to acknowledge TMA events which is weird. - After some time City exploration becomes pointless. - Weird choice of engine which resulted in a very clumsy player model, not very responsive controls and some annoying save/load bugs.

The Bottom Line
Requires some modding in order to be playable.

Windows · by SanfordMorgan · 2023

The best yet. It's still "Thief" though, so if you're not a fan, stay well away.

The Good
It is to Ion Storm's credit that they have created a game so faithful to the original series. So much so in fact that it feels like an homage to Looking Glass. I, for one, find this heartwarming, especially as many were concerned that the now-defunct company's extraordinary talents would be lost forever. Indeed, Thief:DS feels like it was made by both LG and Ion Storm. It probably was to some extent - I'm sure lots of LG members had a large hand in it, though I don't know for sure.

So this game has the usual LG hallmarks: Slow pace, slight 'fish-eye lens' viewpoint, advanced use of sound, atmosphere...but you can feel Warren Spector's influence. There are subtle similarities with Deus Ex. For example, Thief:DS has a backbone which was missing in the earlier games. Thief 1 and 2 were just one mission after the next, but in this, Garrett spends half of his time in one place: The City. It lends a structure to the game to always be coming back to the City to sell the stuff you've plundered or to meet friends or whatever. You can also roam the City at will and swipe things from people's houses, giving the game a more free-form nature very reminiscent of Deus Ex, if only because that was the first game to really implement such a system.

Thief:DS has real-time, dynamic lighting, which presents a whole new challenge. It's wonderful to knock a candle off the table without snuffing it out and seeing how the shadows alter enormously. You also occasionally see the elongated shadow of an enemy first and think that a 20' giant is around the next corner, when really it's just a man carrying a torch. Such technology is very processor-hungry however.

I actually bought this game on the hype surrounding one of it's missions. It's been frequently called "one of the greatest levels ever" in an FPS. The UK edition of the best-selling PC games mag in the country even ran a special 8-page feature dedicated to it (it might even be 10 pages, I'm not sure since I didn't buy it). It's the "Shalebridge Cradle" level, affectionately referred to as simply "The Cradle". And yes, it's brilliant. Perhaps a tad overrated, but still brilliant. All you should know is that it's an abandoned building that was once an asylum and before that an orphanage. To say anymore would spoil it. Cleverly, you only discover the bare elements of the story behind it, and it's left to your logic and imagination to piece things together. I have to admit being unafraid whilst playing it, (more on that later), except a few times. One time in particular was actually quite chilling. I define that as the kind of fear that creeps up on you slowly AFTER the event has happened, and makes you shudder in painful reflection. Games are rarely chilling.

I've said before that graphics don't mean a thing since they're improving all the time, but the difference between Thief:DS and Thief 2, is a lot greater than the difference between Thief 2 and Thief 1. The series has always had good textures, but here they're great, or at least most of them are. Some levels have a particular look. 'The Cradle' is perhaps the most beautiful level in the game yet it's almost monochrome, like you're watching a black-and-white documentary. I can't help but say it looks almost photographic at times, but I'll bet I'll regret that in a few years.

Finally, the sword has been replaced with a dagger. Because of the sword and the limitations of the Dark Engine, in the previous games you could face 3 enemies head on and beat them without barely receiving a scratch. This is no more, which is a good thing, but has brought problems of its own...

The Bad
...namely the easy misuse of the quick-save key. Without a quick-save, this game would be hell. But considering you are now very likely to die if an enemy sees you and there's nowhere for you to run, you are forced to hit that key more often than you should. Especially because Thief:DS has inherited other faults of the previous games.

My problem with the series is its never-ending need for stealth becomes too draining. When you first start the games, you have a great time hiding in the shadows for 10 minutes waiting for an enemy to walk away. 8 hours later and it's getting pretty old, but the threat has only become greater. You have to hide MORE. It's an enormous pain slowly creeping across the whole city to meet someone, only to meet them and be told you have to now go back to where you came from. You just want to be able to walk there but you can't because of the ever-present threat of the City Watch. So you have to slide from shadow to shadow slowly. It's almost like playing Grand Theft Auto without getting in any cars, or Grim Fandango without ever using the "run" key. This is why so many people can't stand Thief.

The engine powering Thief:DS is very reminiscent of the Dark Engine and has included it's inability to handle large entities. You rarely meet an enemy bigger than a human for example. The Cradle is let down by it's enemies. You marvel at the psychological game it plays, and the beautiful architecture. You can almost feel the life pulsating within the walls of the building, like it's alive and is trying to steal your mind, and then you meet the poorly animated low-polygon enemies and it reduces it. You just want a Half-Life moment. You want the walls to bleed or a ghost to flash past your eyes but it never happens. The engine isn't capable.

The sound is well used as I mentioned earlier, but there is a lot of 'fake' sound throughout the game which simply detracts from the atmosphere. I hate to bring System Shock 2 up AGAIN, but you only have to play it to see how it should be done: with immense subtlety. Silence is so powerful, it should get used more often.

Thief:DS starts badly. The pre-mission cutscenes have been removed, so there's no opening cinematic, just Garrett reading to you, and you aren't told what's going on. It's unimpressive. The story was confusing to me as well.

The thing with Thief is that it almost requires an aesthetic appreciation of it's use of sound, graphics, etc. to be enjoyed, because a large part of your game time is spent doing nothing. You have to enjoy simply being there. This is the pinnacle of the Looking Glass design philosophy - experience and immersion. If you're the type of person who plays games while talking to people in the room and listening to the radio, you won't like Thief. SS2 was different because it blended the Thief aesthetic with proper FPS action, and could be enjoyed even if you're playing it outdoors on a laptop in summer. Another reason why Thief is non-commercial. Thief:DS does not buck the trend.

Also those damn moss arrows have remained. They have a use which isn't mentioned in the manual, which makes them not entirely worthless, but still...why?

The Bottom Line
Thief:DS is just more Thief. If you've never played Thief then pick up the first game and play it, because this is the same thing at heart, and you'll be saving money. This one is certainly the best of the bunch though.

Pity 'The Cradle' is by far the best level. It's no wonder it was left till late in the game.

Windows · by Shazbut (163) · 2005

Steal this Review!

The Good
The third and perhaps final(oh no!) entry of the Thief series. Ah yes the series that more or less invented stealth gameplay arrived on the PC and Xbox. In this review I intend to answer these questions: Is it good? And Does it live up to the series? Is it the best one?

The Graphics in Deadly Shadows are excellent. The unreal engine gets put to work and in the end looks it’s best with incredible lighting effects that have to be seen to be believed. The physics are a sight thanks to the Havok engine. The new third person camera view is interesting, but Thief veterans know you have to play it in first person. Also new in Thief III, is the ability to see Garrett’s body in first person, which makes things seem a little more real. The cut scenes are still pure Thief, very sweet indeed.

The Sound/ Music play an important role in this one as in all the Thief titles. Being quite helps you go unnoticed, and eavesdropping on enemies give you crucial clues about an area or a mission. The sounds are all clear and sharp, and incredibly cool in 5.1 Surround Sound. Music is scarce as with most Thief games as well. And like most games the tunes always fit the moment, like an eerie tune that plays in a dark mansion, or a rock track in the games thrilling opening scenes.

The Gameplay is very much like it was in Thief I and II. And for good reason, I mean why stray from something that works. There are still a few surprises however. For one during missions Garrett can obtain up to three ‘special loot’ items. These items are harder to find, but are worth more money and, in the games higher difficulty modes they are required to finish the mission. Speaking of loot, another difference in this one is that you have to sell loot you acquired after the missions, then buy new items in shops around the city. This brings me to another new addition. Instead of jumping from mission to mission, Garrett now must walk to each local. And can partake on side missions in between the main missions.

The Storyline in Thief III is perhaps it’s weakest part. Don’t get me wrong it is good. It is just that past Thief games had a better plot’s that all. Basically in Thief III, Garrett must work with various factions to once again save the city, that he seems to despise so much. The part with the faction is cool and works well, it is very similar to the factions seen in Deus Ex: Invisible War. And yes this game is much better than that was.

The Bad
The Bad, well there are a few nagging issues. For one the A.I. while generally good is occasionally retarded. You can kill a guard and his buddy won’t even notice. Other times Garrett is attacked for something he did not actually do. I also found the blue highlighting of items to be annoying. As well as the blindingly bright blue of the load and save screens.

The Bottom Line
I would recommend this game to Thief fans as well as stealth enthusiasts. So is it good? Yes. Does it live up to the Thief name? Yes. Is it the best one? No, I give that nod to Thief II: The Metal Age. But it is still worth playing.

Xbox · by MasterMegid (723) · 2006

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by nyccrg, Wizo, durplu pobba, Cavalary, Xoleras, jaXen, Cantillon, vedder, Jeanne, Patrick Bregger, Evgenii Andzhe, Plok, Jacob Gens, Alsy, Samuel Smith, Lain Crowley, Tim Janssen, Vovo 30, Big John WV, Emmanuel de Chezelles, Alaedrain.