Game Groups > Game feature: FMV / cutscene player
Games which feature cinematic player which lets you watch the in-game or pre-rendered cutscenes and FMVs. Some rare games have it incorporated as a part of the game (i.e. Final Fantasy X lets you purchase pre-rendered cinematics and watch them in movie theater in the game in Luca port), while most of them feature that as a bonus which is either accessible through the main menu or is unlocked by completing the game.
It doesn't matter if the player lets you watch only in-game scenes, only pre-rendered cutscenes, or both.
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- Command & Conquer franchise
- Command & Conquer: Red Alert universe
- Game feature: BGM / music player
- Game feature: In-game screenshot capture
- Gameplay feature: Directional/positional damage
- Gameplay feature: Fog of war
- Gameplay feature: Recordable replays
- Retail releases with faction/character-specific cover variants
- Setting: City - Havana
- Weapon: Javelin (launcher)
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