The Thing

aka: Das Ding aus einer anderen Welt, La Cosa, La Cosa, Nechto, The Thing: O Enigma de Outro Mundo, Yuusei kara no Buttai X: Episode II
Moby ID: 7168

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PlayStation 2 screenshots

Main menu
Squad command menu.
You can have up to 4 men in your squad. But who among them is a Thing?
Exploring the destroyed US camp from the film.
Finding Blair's UFO.
Squadmates communicate with icons. Here, they're confirming your orders.
You guys check out the mess while I hack his computer.
The ice block in the Norwegian camp, where the Thing was first discovered.
Little "Thinglets" often attack in swarms.
Squadmates will panic or barf when near horrifying sights.
You can give your squaddies a blood test. Oops! This one's infected!
Your infected men will eventually deform and turn on you.
Loading screens replicate Blair's computer simulation from the film.
Order engineer NPCs to open doors you can't.
Deciding what guns and ammo to pass to my teammate.
Combat shifts to the perspective to a slightly fish-eye view.
Large Things must be weakened with bullets, then killed with fire.
Thing pods must be burned.

Windows screenshots

The first level takes place amongst the blasted remains of Outpost 31, where you can see several landmarks from the movie including Blair's partially completed UFO
Characters like Weldon the medic have really delicate personalities, and if the see too much freaky crap (like, oh I dunno, really torn up dead bodies) they'll go nuts and start start shooting at you, forcing the rest of your squad to take him down
The head-sized Scuttlers are the first incarnation of The Thing that you'll encounter, and although they're pretty weak they like to swarm you in large groups
Captain Blake and Captain Pierce do battle with a couple of their teammates who've burst out and attacked after a blood test reveals they'ved turned into The Thing
Fire is the cleanser... you also need it to finish off the larger Things
Your buddies Pace and Williams help you battle a pair of Dragging Walkers inside the Norweigian rec room. Thing One and Thing Two. Thing Two and Thing One. They can find anything anything under the sun... including your sweet, sweet flesh.
In one of the game's coolest levels, Pace and Williams help you defend the Norweigian Medical shack against a massive Scuttler onslaught
The game's engine is capable of large, albeit severely fog-obscured, outdoor snowstorm levels. Here, Blake and Williams battle a pair of Human Walkers and an infected teammate just outisde the Norweigian Weather Dome building
Blake helplessly watches himself blow his own brains out. How existential can you get? Top to it all off, his head is floating in the head.
You'll have to play amateur Dr. Phil and help your men keep their cool, or else they'll realize the only way to ensure not becoming one with The Thing is to paint the walls with their own brains, like this unfortunate fellow here
Collins helps you battle a trio of extremely nasty Gorilla Walkers (aka Bulldogs) inside the Pyron Hanger warehouse
Big fans of The Exorcist, teammates who have been taken over by The Thing like to vomit pea soup all over you
The panicky Norweigian whom you've been chasing for the past few levels suddenly erupts into a nasty pillar of flesh vaguely remenescent of Blair's final form from the original movie
John Carpenter himself makes a cameo appearance as Dr. Shaun Faraday, shown here helping you kick Thing butt in Gen Inc's underwater test chambers
In the game's dramatic Midtro, Blake and Faraday confront the eerie Colonel Whitely (voiced by The X-File's 'Smoking Man', William B. Davis)
Things break out and run amok in Gen Inc's medical research labs. Notice the Thing specimens floating around in the test tubes.
Just like in Half-Life, human soldiers and alien nasties will fight each other, but both prefer to kill you first. Fortunately, you'll be able to recruit several rebel Gen Inc medics and engineers to help you out
Things get out of hand as the research specimens break out of their cages and run amok in the Gen Inc med labs
Your squad in a fierce firefight against Gen Inc. Troopers
The second Rupture is one seriously tough nasty, but he's conveniently positioned near an electrified cable.
Blake unwisely interrupts a fight between Gen Inc. Flame Troopers and a Gorilla Walker
Powell expresses his displeasure with all the ripped up gory bodies by blowing his own brains out. Guess the guy's not a big System Shock 2 fan
Cohen helps you battle your way through the infamous Ramps... of Death!!! Dun Dun Dun! Perhaps the hardest part of the game, with infinite spawning scuttlers and an NPC ally who becomes infected after a single hit.
Sentry guns are not your friend. Here, Cohen foolishly runs ahead and is mecilessly gunned down.
Ryans and Stolls have serious trust issues towards each other. You'll need to blood test them to see whether or not either of them is The Thing
The third Rupture drops down from the ceiling and begins attacking relentlessly, and with no place to take cover this can be an insanely difficult battle
Daylight: Blake battles his way through snow canyons filled with an army of Whitely's Gen Inc. Troopers
Blake takes on Whitely's elite 5-man Sniper Squad
Blake and Whitely face off mano-a-mano
The Cloud B4 is so huge you can't fight it with handheld weapons. Fortunately, a helicopter shows up to help you out, and you jump behind the chopper's mounted machine gun for a rail-shooter level
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