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Star Trek: Bridge Commander

aka: STBC
Moby ID: 5920

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 79% (based on 23 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.9 out of 5 (based on 29 ratings with 8 reviews)

Good Presentation, Flawed Game Play

The Good
The story is intriguing and well-written; a worthy bit of Star Trek fiction. You are cast in the role of first officer on the U.S.S. Dauntless, a Galaxy class starship investigating some anomalous solar activity in the Vesuvi system. While in the system, the ship's captain takes a shuttle to rendez-vous with a Federation terraforming outpost. As the shuttle approaches the outpost, the core of the Vesuvi system's star suddenly and inexplicably destabilizes. The captain orders you to get the ship out of danger, just before his shuttle is engulfed in a solar explosion. Hence the reason for your sudden promotion to captain.

As the Dauntless leaves the system, the science officer notices a strange object warping out of the system but he is unable to identify it. Suspicions abound that the Cardassians have something to do with this mysterious turn of events. Now in command of the Dauntless, you are ordered by Starfleet Command on a series of investigative missions aimed at discovering what happened in the Vesuvi system. The various missions serve to unfold the plot and the entire thing remains intriguing throughout.

The interface is extremely well designed in my opinion. Next Generation style LCARS panels are overlayed over a first-person 3D view of the bridge. In contrast with earlier Star Trek based simulations, you don't jump around between different control panels here. You never lose sight of your bridge and crew. The LCARS panels are there when you need them and move quickly out of your way when you don't. This interface is the most successful that I've seen so far in terms of making you feel like you're in the captain's chair overseeing the bridge and crew rather than jumping around from station to station micro-managing everything.

The graphics, in my opinion, are attractive overall. Bridge layouts are accurate, if simplified. Starship exteriors are nicely modeled. Light sourcing and specular highlights are used to good effect. There is a nice glow effect for lit windows, phaser beams and warp nacells and shields shimmer semi-translucently when absorbing hits.

There was an interesting design decision regarding the faces of the characters. Bitmapped character faces are pasted onto the heads of the character models. The mouths are animated when characters speak but, other than this, there is little facial animation. Eyes don't blink and expressions remain neutral. The result is characters that are instantly recognizable (Picard looks like Picard and Data looks like Data) but there is no real lip synching and character faces seem bland and expressionless, almost like everybody is wearing some kind of mask. The features also tend to look somewhat angular at times. This is something that I, personally, can live with, especially remembering that this game was released in 2002, when graphical hardware was not as advanced as it is now.

Sound is also nicely rendered. Phasers and torpedoes sound as they do in the television shows and movies. The voices of Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lt. Commander Data are provided by Patrick Steward and Brent Spiner respectively. Voice acting for other characters (not seen on TV or in the movies) is likewise competent and believable. The musical soundtrack is typical for a Star Trek feature, grand and orchestral with a more dramatic cadence during battle engagements.

The Bad
Some of the missions are designed to be ridiculously hard, pitting your ship alone against hoards of enemy attackers with little or no support from Starfleet. What's worse, the penalty for getting out of some of these scenarios alive yet failing your primary objective is an unreasonably harsh dressing down by the Starfleet admiralty who, in my opinion, should really be impressed that you even managed to save your ship and crew, never mind knock out that enemy sensor array. Likewise you can successfully complete mission after mission, being lauded and praised by your superiors after each victory, only to be dismissed as an incompetent fool when you finally do fail. I guess it's true what they say; people really do remember your last mistake. One wonders, at times, whether one hasn't been unwittingly drafted into the service of the Imperial Klingon Fleet. Total and unqualified success, death or dishonour! Those are your options.

The mission structure suffers from the same weakness seen in Larry Holland's Star Wars games; namely, they are linear and heavily scripted and some are designed such that success depends on performing certain actions in a certain sequence or at a certain time. Doing anything else inevitably results in failure, and this makes several of the missions feel more like puzzles to be solved rather than tactical situations to be evaluated. It's no coincidence that failed missions are more successful the second or third time around, once you have the benefit of foreknowledge of what's going to happen.

I've read some other reviews of this game which complain about the inability to skip the cut scenes. I'd like to clarify this issue by pointing out that, although the cut scenes can't be skipped entirely, it is possible to skip to the next line of dialog by pressing the backspace key. Do this shortly after each line of dialog begins and it is possible to "skip forward" through all cut scenes quite quickly. Still, I do agree that it would have been nice if there had been a key to skip directly to the end of a cut scene or, better yet, a config setting allowing cut scenes to be turned off, or at least to be played only the first time through. This could have been handled better, but it's not as bad as some would have us believe.

The characters seem to blindly follow their scripts at times without any regard for what actually happens in the game. For example, at the start of one mission, my first officer recommended that we should return to the starbase for repair and resupply, even though:

a) We were already at the starbase b) They had just told us that they could only re-supply but not repair us. c) We had just finished docking and our supplies had been replenished.

Similarly, characters sometimes react to occurrences without considering the full situation. For example, in the heat of one particular space battle, my weapons officer targeted an enemy ship with photon torpedoes. The torpedoes failed to lock properly and missed their target, unfortunately hitting a friendly starbase that was beyond the target. My first officer reacted by promptly relieving me of command for firing on a friendly, apparently oblivious to the fact that I had never given any command to attack the starbase nor had I personally fired the errant torpedoes, never mind that the whole thing was obviously an unfortunate mishap. I might have understood had she decided to relieve the weapons officer for incompetence, I suppose.

Engagements between starships can last quite some time. It takes a while to destroy or disable a starship, unless the combatants are woefully mismatched. Your weapons officer will normally make intelligent decisions such that, with only a few exceptions, you can usually allow him to select his own targets and systems and such. This is as it should be. It does mean, however, that you can spend much of your time during battles, especially prolonged engagements involving multiple starships from various sides, simply watching the battle unfold. You might occasionally order your chief engineer to channel more power to the shields or the weapons or whatever system seems most important at the time but, other than this, you need do very little. This can make missions seem rather dull to some. On the other hand, you can manually take control of the ship and do all the fighting yourself, but this seems less in keeping with the Star Trek mythos, and you'll usually do no better than your weapons officer would have, in any case.

One graphical effect that bothered me more than the weird, angular faces of the characters was the fact that starships insist on belching smoke when damaged. Smoke in the vacuum of space? Whose idea was that? Fire, yes. Sparks, of course. But smoke? Methinks Larry Holland must have cannibalized his Secret Weapons of the Luftwaffe engine when building this game and forgotten to kill the smoke effects.

The graphics engine also attempts to show exposed decks beneath punctured hulls on severely damaged vessels, but this doesn't quite work for me either. Somehow, the effect looks too much like a 2D bitmap. It was done much better in Interplay's Star Trek: Klingon Academy.

The Bottom Line
Star Trek: Bridge Commander does have its flaws but, overall, I enjoyed it. It's strength is in its presentation. Its weakness, unfortunately, is in the actual gameplay. Still, I think it fair to say that it comes as close to simulating the experience of commanding a Federation starship as any Star Trek game has to date, even if it doesn't entirely hit the mark.

Windows · by Halmanator (598) · 2005

To boldly go where no Trek game has gone before....

The Good
STORY: After a star goes Nova - killing your Captain and wiping out a few planets in a system you are assigned to take his command as Captain and investigate the cause behind this incident. This story was written by D.C Fontana

MENU LAYOUT This is all done in the standard Trek style of orange and dull purple interfaces - it works - a bit cluttered from the added in animations - but it works.

GRAPHICS The opening render is quite ok - untill I had a closer look...firstly Captain Wright looks a lot like the Picard model - with more hair and secondly in the very nice opening credits bit of your ship being repaired one of the engines are floating in mid air. Overall the 3 rendered movies in the game are very well done but lack the polish on them to make them great. No groundbreaking - but serviceable. The ships models are loaded with detail and look very very nice, the textures on the ships are done very well as well and all add to the Trek Movie experence. The bridge is ok, it's not as interesting as detailed as the ships - and I've noticed that there appears to be a few faces missing from parts of the bridge resultining in bits flickering all the time. The people in the crew are not that interesting to look at - you have 2 aliens and 3 humans at your disposal while varied - they are just not that interesting to look at. Also the face animations are done with texture map swapping - so this leads to very bad lip synch as there are only abou 5 different forms of mouth movement. The other characters in the game seem to be all right at first - but as you progress you get the sneaking feeling that the Klingon with the scar across his eye is really just a modified texture of another captain you see. The same applies to the Cardassians - they all appear the same with small differences like greying hair and eye colour. The explosions are a bit dull - they are not bright and colourful but small and bland. One of the more interesting features of this game is the realtime damage - this means that you can bore out holes anywhere on the ship - not just like in the dreadful Klingon Acadamey where it was all preset - but with enough time and paitence you can effectively remove the bridge from a Bird of Prey - and the other half floats off. When a ship is destroyed large chunks are blown out and off so the end is a floating hulk. The phaser effects are ok - there's even an animation of the phasers pre-firing - arcs of energy go around the phaser banks. And the torpedoes look well enough too. The planets and stars are pretty low resolution - a sun looks really cool - untill you get upclose where the wow effect sort of looses it. The nebulae are well done as well. A nice touch is that any light glow - from engines or window lights have their own glow to them - and the ship also has light rippling off them as well. Also the lighting effects are really good in this game - everycurve is lit up. And there is also the Warp Stretch. Overall the graphics are not that bad - they work - but could have been better.

SOUND The voice acting on this game is very good - this game is very story driven and you meet a host of characters from a nervous Fergengi to an insane Cardassian. Patrick Stewart (Picard) and Brent Spiner (Data) lend their voices for a surpriseingly large amount of the game time, and their role works in this story. Multiple affirmative commands and so on have been recorded so you get a bit more that "yes captain" each time an order is confirmed. The weapon sounds aare good - I cannot comment on if they are true to the TV series as I have never seen a Trek episode - but they are effective. The sound quality seems a little low - even on EAX setting. The music is very well done - a good Trek feel to it - the music also changes depending on the situation - but with a little jarring - not smooth and perfect though. Overall the sound really adds to the atmosphere and a great job has been done on this game in terms of sound.

GAMEPLAY A mixed bag. This is an interesting approach - normally a player does all the work -but in this game you command others to do all the work for you -this works very well. You use the mouse to center on an officer - a small display tells you who they are and what they are doing then you click on them to do percise orders. The strategy in this game lies in subsystems on the ships - a subsystem is something like an engine or shield generator. By destroying one of these systems you hinder the opponents ship - they do the same to you. Another strategy feature is power management - by allocating more power to your systems your ship can preform better. If your warp core is hit then you can only allocate so much power to the systems. The battles between enemy ships are long, these are 40,000,000 ton starships - not zippy starfighters so a battle is like a fight against two slow moving giants. This means it's a fight to see who can deal the most damage to the opponent's ship A.S.A.P. This all works very well as you are balancing shield power - weapon power and repairs all in the midst of battle. The game focus mainly on battle so 75% of the game involves you attacking another starship. The other parts of the game involve ferrying supplies or sneaking about - there are also a few missions where you are leading a large scale assualt on enemy bases. Overall the gameplay is varied and has a good enough plot to keep you interested -there's enough combat related happenings to keep you on your toes - or screaming in fustration.

The Bad
The fact that this is mainly a mouse game - though keyboard commands are there means that there's a lot of clicking - and in the heat of a battle it is very possible to misclick a button and have your tatical stop everything - or another misclick might deselect a crewmember. The buttons are a bit on the small and fiddly size. Also the game does not allow you to create much of a personality for yourself. Your second in command does all the talking. Also the game is very linear - there are a few moments where you can choose to do things - but apart from that it's mostly follow their commands or fail the mission. Failing missions are another annoying aspect I noticed in one mission that a shuttle accidently killed it's self by going into a planet - for some odd reason I was relieved of Command and the game ended. Apart from the strange gameplay niggles the game still stands ok.

The Bottom Line
What really let this game down is that it's meant for Star Trek fans alone. While a non Star Trek fan like myself can enjoy it - we would not take it in with as much enthusiasim as the fans would. And I can say most fans would go nuts for Chrome Dome Picard to help them in their first mission. A good game - far better than most of the other Trek games - but still needs a little bit of ironing to become a great.

Windows · by Sam Hardy (80) · 2002

Great game, good to play even after all those years

The Good
Being able to control the ship by myself (which I actually prefer) or by computer, limiting the player's role to giving orders The Star Trek feel One can modify the game easily, there are plenty of mods and total conversions on-line Being able to choose exactly where to hit the enemy - you can choose which subsystems of enemy vessel to shoot, or let the computer do it for you Creating great space battles consisting of many ships on both sides

The Bad
Too linear plot in the campaign mode When trying to pass another ship very close usually both ships explode although you can see there's plenty of space between them Not being able to command a fleet or at least set up some tactics with allied ships

The Bottom Line
It's like Sea Dogs in the Star Trek Universe - nothing special, but still you can play it for months without being bored with it! If you ever wanted to feel like a starship captain - certainly it's a must have.

Windows · by Yesus (1) · 2009

Great Star Trek space combat game

The Good
Bridge Commander finally gives star trek fans the chance to command a starship.

Graphically it could be said that it does not get better in a Star Trek single player game than in Bridge Commander. Everything has a near movie like quality to it. Ships look great with weapons/shield effects coming right out of the tv show and movies. The planets look like they have real atmospheres and stars (with real solar flares) add lots of atmosphere to the game. The buttons look just like an authentic LCARS computer system from Star Trek: The Next Generation.

Sound and music are equally good in Bridge Commander. It is not often that one finds a Star Trek game where the graphics actually measure up to the sound and music. The music exceeds expectations for a Star Trek game, changing with every situation. The music makes for an exhilarating experience, especially in heated combat. It makes you savor the moment when you are winning against an enemy with a perfect music track that is even nothing short of spectacular. Graphics and sound make Bridge Commander a rewarding experience.

In addition, the gameplay in Bridge Commander is amazing. Star Trek fans have a game that plays perfectly, sounds perfect and looks perfect. This is a real treat.

The game engine is flawless, accurately simulating ship-to-ship combat in the Star Trek universe. Space is 3D, and combat takes place on three dimensions. You can target individual systems, and the enemy will do likewise. Ships break up in this game, losing nacelles or entire sections of the primary and secondary hull. To see your ship limp home after being nearly blasted to pieces is nothing short of theatrical.

Captain Picard and Lieutenant Commander Data make an appearance in this game. Data is very much in character while Picard sits beside you ready to give advice. He even smiles and looks at you when you want to hear from him.

The quick battle feature is a fantastic feature to have in a game like Bridge Commander as it allowed gamers to play the game well beyond the story-based missions. This feature gave Bridge Commander near-infinite longevity.

This game is possibly the most modifiable Star Trek game. There are lots of fan-made modifications available on the internet. These serve to greatly expand the longevity and scope of the game.

The Bad
Bridge Commander follows a linear, mission-oriented game structure limiting the use of its superior graphics and gameplay to a story-based experience.

Although the game engine makes it entirely feasible to make a real space exploration game with a fully explorable galactic game map and full starship features (warp speed, impulse speed, warp core, auxiliary power, battery, photon and quantum torpedoes, phasers, tractor beam, escape pods, shuttles, sensors, probes, etc), this is completely neglected.

There is no freedom to explore the galaxy, even though the game engine depicts fully navigable star systems with tremendous accuracy and depth. One cannot travel to Earth, Qu'nos, Cardassia or Romulus. In a game like Bridge Commander, these are easily included given the available 3D models. One cannot set warp speed, depriving gamers of the experience of pushing the warp engines beyond their limits like in the tv show or movies.

The Dominion from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine are the noticeable absentee in Bridge Commander. The Klingons, Romulans, Cardassians and even the Ferengi are in the game, but not the Dominion. The Dominion were one of the best Star Trek villains, to not include them in the game limited its scope and depth. With the poor reception of the game Dominion Wars, one would have thought that the Dominion would have been included in Bridge Commander, even if only found in the quick battle feature.

There is one thing I would have done with regard to the in-game graphics. The phasers are very thick and can get very bright when hitting their target. This can make it harder for some users to play the game for extended periods. In defense of the game programmers, many games over the last ten years have had this problem.

The Bottom Line
Bridge Commander is a worthwhile game. It has many features and the gameplay is superb. Battles are very well done and come right out of the tv shows and movies. This game undoubtedly gives you that "you are there" feeling. There is not much in the way of strategy in this game like you would find in Starfleet Command, but you will get a very authentic Star Trek gaming experience. The battles are just amazing to play and see. This game is highly recommended to all gamers.

Windows · by bb bb (25) · 2012

A good game made better by fan content

The Good
In my opinion this is the best Star Trek game to come out since 25th anniversary. No other Trek game could you take command of a starship and wreak havoc on a massive scale. The ship models looked fantastic, and the game created a wonderful sense of scale. The first time you see star base 12 really blew me away. The story was quite well done and the casting of Patrick Stewart and Brent Spiner really helped that along.

You control your ship by one of two ways. From the bridge barking orders at your (sometimes useless) crew via the mouse, or from a chase view outside the ship using the WSADQE F and X keyboard keys. You will most likely be doing everything in the game from the chase view, as it is very hard to do anything productive from the bridge unfortunately.

The battles were by far the focus of the game and are quite involving. Targeting specific systems on enemy ships while managing your own damage and watching your shield status makes for the ultimate starship battle multitasking experience.

But on to what I consider the best part of this game.... Open source. Yes you could MODIFY any of the ships in the game, also create ships. Fan and computer geeks alike have created TONS of mods and new ships and updated textures.

Of the best of these would have to be Nano FX. This modification took the bland and unimpressive explosion textures and sounds, and turned them into a 3D delight to the ears and eyes.

And the ships! There are literally hundreds of fan created ships available for downloading, you can even download star wars ships. Ever wanted to pit the Enterprise against a super star destroyer? Boo yah.

And of course with new ships come bigger guns. It makes for much more frantic fights when a Warbird is firing continuously pounding the crap outta ya.

The sound FX and music are for the most part acceptable. The sound and music can be changed like anything else. The music creates a Star Trek atmosphere well enough.

The Bad
While the mods do make the game much more than it can be, they mostly only apply to Quick Battle mode; the single player experience becomes buggy and usually unplayable.

I really wanted my Trek game fix to be ultimately satisfied with this game but unfortunately that wasn't the case.

Not being able to save mid mission or skip and cut scenes made the Single player storyline more frustrating than anything, and I really wanted to launch the first officer out of a torpedo tube. Who exactly is in command anyway?

As good as the game can be with added Mods, I can't really judge a game by what fans did to make it better. The stock ships in BC are mostly uninteresting. Pretty much every Federation ship has the same phaser arcs and torpedo layout (sans the Ambassador). My question is why would the state of the art Sovereign not have any rear firing phasers? Bah.

While the music for the most part does the job, I have to say the battle music gets extremely repetitive, and the sounds of battle are pretty bland over all. When a torpedo hits the hull of an enemy ship you expect a little bit more than thud.

The Bottom Line
When this game came out, I was already crying for a sequel. I would definitely recommend this game to any trek fan out there.

Overall a game that could of been so much better than it is, but still stands out as one of the best trek games ever.

Windows · by Andrew Wills (2) · 2005

One of the better Star Trek games released - but not for gamers that get easily bored

The Good
Almost everything - besides, it's not every day you get to sit in the captains chair of Star Trek ships.

I'll go into minor detail: Excellent atmosphere which really re-lives the famous Star Trek feeling from the series and some of the movies, great plot, great voice-acting, good controls, good strategic combat, and overall a well accomplished game.

The Bad
Being a gamer that values freedom, I really think they could have out even more into this Star Trek title - I mean, we got the bridge of a starship; and everything in the game is almost just right to make the new Elite, or 3D StarFlight - imagine if we could go to other systems to trade and explore freely in this Star Trek universe...

But this is not the case; the player is only led trough a certain chain of missions, without any real chance of freedom - sure, there is a skirmish-mode available, but it really don't give much more freedom either - you just get to blow up different ships from various species.

There's also the thing that this is not a game for most action gamers; there's long conversations, and often long periods of waiting in this game, and quite often you find yourself going ahead of the game itself. For me, this is not a problem, as I like such things, but for others, it might be quite annoying at places.

The Bottom Line
Overall though, Star Trek: BC is a good game with lots of sadly unexplored potential; it is not everyones cup of tea, but if you like Star Trek, or better yet, if you like sci-fi (like myself), this is a game I recommend - just don't expect too much; it IS a good game, but it could have been much better (but then again, its a commercial space-game).

So, I give it one thumb up - for a good game with good plot and fairly well accomplished.

Windows · by Stargazer (99) · 2003

Totally Games totally drops the ball on what should have been a classic.

The Good

'Star Trek: Bridge Commander' does a very nice job of recreating the feel of the Star Trek universe. The overall look of the game is very true to the series. You play the part of a nameless (and faceless and voiceless) captain, out to uncover a secret plot to destroy the Federation. Not exactly original, but not the worst story they could have came up with either.

Gameplay takes place either through the first person perspective of the captain on the bridge, or in a much more interesting and useful tactical mode. The tactical mode is a view of your ship from behind, in which you use the W, S, A, and D keys to control movement, and the number keys for throttle. The mouse buttons are used for firing weapons, and the function keys bring up all the various bridge functions. While your tactical officer is competent enough, the only way to really do well in the game is to use the tactical mode almost exclusively. Besides, the bridge models are relatively ugly and blocky, and the lip sync for the characters in the game is abysmal. It's much prettier out in space.

That said, space combat can be fun. The ships handle as you would expect from a big lumbering starship. The ships turn slowly, and don't race around the screen like, say, an X-Wing or a Tie Fighter would, and this is a good thing for this sort of game. When targeting an enemy ship, you have the option to target various subsystems, whether to take out their impulse engines, warp drive, weapons, or what have you. Unfortunately, this works out better in theory than in practice, as most of the time an enemy ship ends up being destroyed before you are able to take out certain subsystems.

**The Bad**

Sadly, the first word that comes to mind when writing about this game is 'boring'. It's painfully boring in fact. For a game in which you are supposed to be in command of a starship, you end up feeling more like an ensign than a captain. As I said earlier, your character has no voice. Presumably this is to make you feel more like the captain yourself, but if you are like me, you don't feel especially comfortable sitting at home alone barking orders at your monitor.

The game offers absolutely no sense of exploration or adventure, which are qualities you would expect from a game based on a TV show about exploration and adventure. But no, not here. In fact, in this game you will be literally led from mission to mission by the hand, told what to do, where to go, how to avoid being detected, etc. There is nothing left for the player to figure out. There is no puzzle solving whatsoever. The game boils down to warping your ship from system to system (again, you can ONLY go where you are told to) and shooting up any bad guys that may be there.

Another irritating feature of the game is your obnoxious first officer. It feels like she is the captain of the ship, not you. She does all the talking to people on the view screen, she issues orders to the crew, she even reprimands YOU when something goes wrong. That leads me to another point. If you make one mistake, the game is over. Starfleet is notified of your ineptitude and you're canned. Does anyone remember Captain Kirk or Captain Picard ever being relieved of duty for one small mistake or failure? It's ridiculous, and makes you feel like the game should be called 'Star Trek: Bridge Peon'.

Unfortunately the problems don't stop there, not by a long shot. The game has two (more) very serious problems, which in my mind ruin the entire experience. The first is the lack of an in-mission save. Some of the missions are very long, and not being able to save during them means that you will have to play some over and over and over again all the way through. That also means replaying all of the mundane tasks such as recharging the battery, scanning the area, orbiting a planet, listening to messages from this or that person, and so on. It's all pretty dull the first time, and nearly unbearable by the fifth or sixth.

This leads me into the other major mistake made by Totally Games. You cannot, under any circumstances, skip a cutscene. So, if you are forced to play the same mission 7 or 8 times (because of a lack of in-mission saves) you will also be forced to watch the same badly acted, poorly lip synced cutscenes 7 or 8 times. To make matters worse, some of them are several minutes long. This is really unforgivable in my opinion, and quickly kills any desire to keep playing what is already a terribly flawed game.

Graphically the game looks pretty nice, but not as nice as many would have you believe. I hear a lot of talk about how this looks just as good as the TV show, and that is just nonsense. The interiors are dull and ugly, and the exteriors tend to be dark and muddy. Though to be fair, the ship models are very well done and have a great amount of detail. It'd just be a lot nicer if I could see them clearly when in tactical mode, instead of having enemies appear as dark shapes against a star field. The absence of an in-game brightness adjustment option is another amateurish oversight.

**The Bottom Line**

Despite a good record, Totally Games really didn't get it right this time out. From the people that brought us such classics as the X-Wing and Tie Fighter series, I would have expected a lot more. Sadly, all the irritating flaws add up to a game-killing problem. It's just not fun, and for the $50 you will spend on it, there are a lot of much better games out there you could buy. Maybe a hardcore Star Trek fan would be able to overlook, or even completely ignore all of the games glaring faults. For anyone who doesn't speak Klingon or own a Starfleet uniform however, I'd stay away from this disaster.

Windows · by Entorphane (337) · 2002

Avoid this game like a warp drive overload.

The Good
First, the graphics were perfect except for the faces (Picard's face looked awful). Second, the sound was crisp.

The Bad
Everything else. Most of the game involves listening to dialouge that gets boring after the first two minutes. The actual gameplay involves "combat" where you target enemies and just aim a phaser at them. More like "turret simulation". When you fire torpedoes, they don't even hit the enemy because you are always facing your opponent and you see where he is relative to the front of your ship on a little monitor. Finally, you can barely control where your ship moves!!! Instead of controlling where you move, there are "movement beacons" that are at various points in space.You choose which one to go to and you choose how fast and you're done. In "stealth" missions, these ways of movement make those missions impossible.

The Bottom Line
Ick, Yuck, retch!!!

Windows · by James Kirk (150) · 2003

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by nyccrg, Picard, Cavalary, Patrick Bregger, Cantillon, shphhd, Wizo, Rebound Boy, Kabushi, Regis Ironfist, Independent, vedder, Big John WV, Xoleras.