Fallout: New Vegas

aka: FONV
Moby ID: 48717

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Average score: 84% (based on 45 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 4.0 out of 5 (based on 104 ratings with 3 reviews)

On the way to RPG perfection

The Good
The guys at Obsidian certainly are a bunch of talented individuals with plenty of creative ideas; and, above all, individuals who really love RPGs. Not surprising, considering the fact this team was assembled by some of the leading RPG developers of the past, particularly those who did those classic games for Black Isle.

So far Obsidian has been more successful with sequels to existing franchises than with independently conceived games. After the troublesome Alpha Protocol they decided to go back to their old ways, creating an entry in an established series. The high status of the Fallout franchise was somewhat downgraded by the previous installment, which divided fans into warring groups and left many hardcore Fallout junkies unsatisfied.

The thing is, Bethesda doesn't really know how to do role-playing based on ethical choices. Their idea of role-playing is basically "do whatever you want, because whatever you do doesn't matter anyway". But what they certainly can do is create big, generous playgrounds. That's how Western RPG development split into two sub-genres: "exploration" and "story-driven" RPG. Bethesda kept doing their sandbox experiments (followed by Piranha Bytes with their Gothic), while the story-driven RPG started shrinking. And while people talked about how Dragon Age was big and interactive, they forgot one important thing: Dragon Age was the same old thing, only with 3D graphics. It didn't take any advantage whatsoever of its engine. It didn't have physical interaction, and its world couldn't be truly explored. We didn't see that endless, breathtaking landscape in front of us; we didn't feel the whole gorgeous world lying at our feet the way we did, for example, when playing Oblivion.

I was waiting for a game that would combine those two approaches. A game that would have this kind of addictive exploration, but also add everything I loved in classic quest-driven RPGs. Fallout: New Vegas turned out to be exactly such a game.

I can't stress it enough: if anything I wrote above about my personal RPG preferences echoes in your heart, stop reading this review. Go and get this game. If you feel the same way as I did, you should be jumping and singing and performing religious rituals right now. New Vegas might not top Fallout 2, but it's as close as it gets in transporting its spirit into a gorgeous third dimension.

Essentially, New Vegas combines Obsidian's own charismatic personality and unwavering passion with the best of Bethesda. It is the fruit of continuous historical development, the logical conclusion that came so late. I won't talk much about the "Bethesda parts" of this game. New Vegas looks and plays (on a basic level) the same way as Fallout 3. It has everything the other game had; in my opinion - though the engine begins to show its age - its game world is more beautiful. The artists clearly had more inspiration when designing this world; it is more detailed and more natural. Gone are the monotonous subways and the endless piles of rubbish; the world of New Vegas is much more "alive", it is vibrant and versatile, with much more variety in location design than the previous game.

Though the basic gameplay system is the same as in Fallout 3, the playing experience is quite different: it feels much more like a flexible RPG. Typically for Obsidian, the game is ripe with clever setpieces and situations that call for choices - and this time, your ethical proclivities are harmoniously combined with a vast world you can freely roam. The game is absolutely non-linear, meaning that you can go wherever you want, behave in any way you want, do any quests in any order, etc. Of course, there is a main quest that must be completed if you want to finish the game; but the true experience of the game is in discovery, exploration, and flexibility of actions. The fusion of meaningful choices and physical freedom, which was so sorely missing from modern RPGs, is finally back.

I won't go much into details; suffice to say that the quests in New Vegas are very interesting, and you will feel compelled doing them. Moral choices and dilemmas pop out everywhere; in the best tradition of classic Western RPG, the "meat" of the game is deciding what to do, how to do it - from an ethical standpoint. I actually felt I truly created my own character. I didn't just assign a bunch of attributes to him, but shaped him as a human being, made him say things and commit actions that defined him from a moral point of view.

The game is full of exciting, varied, and challenging quests; you will be deeply involved in the intricate world of New Vegas, you will become part of it and determine its future. Those tired of BioWare's schematic "good-bad" moral structures are welcomed to a world that is rarely black and white, but mostly a dark shade of grey. It's not that there are only villains in this game, but this world is cruel, and you feel it. No matter whom you join, you will have to do something that will probably make you feel uncomfortable. The choices are anything but easy. This kind of approach to morals is involving, and it makes you face the consequences of your decisions.

The world of New Vegas is populated by many organizations and factions; three of them (Mr. House, NCR and Legion) play the largest role, and joining one of them basically determines the main plot of the game. But there are also so many other factions, groups, towns, settlements, locations, people, etc. The ending changes depending on what you have done. What is most interesting in this game is not the actual story, not the series of events that leads to an ending, but the way your choices push this story forward, often with unexpected results. The writing is also decidedly better than in Fallout 3, and there are more interesting characters.

The role-playing system generally works much better than it did in the preceding game, returning to the series' roots. One phrase: speech matters! So many quests (even including the final boss confrontation) can now be solved differently depending on the speech parameter. That was perhaps what I missed most in Fallout 3, and New Vegas is quick to fix it.

The shooting mechanics are as solid and as satisfying as they were in the predecessor; but even during combat, the game somehow feels more RPG-like. For once, the game is much more challenging; you can be on par with the enemies, underpowered or overpowered, and this constant evaluation of your skills and character growth feels just right. The balance is perfect for the most part: underpowered characters are bound to take a serious beating near the end stage of the game, since many enemies are extremely dangerous, and V.A.T.S. is your friend much more so than I found it to be in Fallout 3. New Vegas also has a cool "hardcore mode", which opts for realistic elements such as the necessity to rest, serious damage from radiation, limited usage of stimpaks (instead of the magical "instant healing" items they have become), etc.

The Bad
It must be noted that New Vegas wasn't exactly developed from scratch. It became possible thanks to Fallout 3, and we mustn't forget that. That game re-invented the Fallout universe, New Vegas would have never seen the light of the day if Obsidian hadn't had the engine and basic gameplay at their service, so that they could devote their time and energy entirely to creative content.

That said, it is a bit perplexing why bugs weren't ironed out of the tested, solid engine. New Vegas has quite a few weird occurrences. Since the freedom of actions here is nearly unlimited, you can certainly stumble across occasional strange and illogical dialogues, especially if you do everything you can to stay away from the main quests. Sometimes representatives of factions which are supposed to hate you behave nicely for inexplicable reasons; another time people attack you without any provocation on your side, etc.

The whole idea for the main plot is somewhat questionable; I, for once, could never understand why the protagonist of the game suddenly decided to get involved with high politics. I always imagined him as a regular guy, someone who tries to stay away from all this stuff. You'll have to choose sides, volens-nolens; you can't just walk away from the political struggle if you want to complete the game. I'd prefer to retain the option of not allying with any of those ethically dubious factions and get to the "neutral" end without the hassle of double-crossing all of them.

The Bottom Line
New Vegas is the only modern RPG that comes close to the early Fallouts in role-playing flexibility and quality of quest design, at the same time offering a large, fully explorable, interactive 3D world. It is the first attempt to create a rich role-playing game rooted in diverse traditions since the genre split into morally indifferent sandboxes and contained cinematic rides, and it deserves praise and recognition for that.

Windows · by Unicorn Lynx (181769) · 2014

New Vegas brings the role playing back to Fallout

The Good

  • Deeper role-playing elements
  • Retains most of Fallout 3's" best elements
  • Plenty of great set pieces
  • Both funnier and darker than its predecessor, adding more mood
  • Tons of new weapons
  • Factions are a great addition
  • Hardcore mode is great for a "Sim" like experience
  • The nightkin are endlessly hilarious

The Bad

  • Some bugs, most notably in performance degradation
  • Faction system can be sensitive
  • Story isn't too engaging
  • A few pointless "Filler" quests
  • Followers can be dolts with path-finding
  • All radio stations play the same small selection of songs

The Bottom Line
I won't lie. I am a huge dork when it comes to Fallout. I even wrote an AWFUL "review" for MobyGames that was just me blabbing about how it became my instant favourite without actually, well, reviewing it which I now regret. My feelings on 2008's Fallout 3 were more or less this: From the standpoint of an old Fallout fan, I felt that it was far from a true sequel to the game, but Bethesda knew their stuff and it was easily their most engaging and entertaining game since the underrated masterpiece Daggerfall (Which is free to download legally...GO-GO-GO!) and not even the very, very lite RPG elements could bring me down with its well realized world and gameplay.

New Vegas is the followup to Fallout 3, but while not to be considered Fallout 4 definitely gives you enough bang for your buck that you won't feel like you've wasted money on an expansion pack. It improves on Fallout 3 without sacrificing what made Fallout 3 good, and it adds its own stylistic touches.

The game returns to the western stomping grounds of its predecessors, specifically the Mojave Desert, the I-15 and of course the eponymous "New Vegas." I have to admit, it is a little surreal. My wife & I are desert wanderers here in Utah, and we frequent Nevada and the Mojave VIA the I-15. It certainly was a little weird to walk into a post-nuclear Primm, but then again maybe people living in DC felt the same way about Fallout 3.

Anyways, the game begins with your character, a Courier delivering a mysterious platinum chip to a prestigious New Vegas casino (New Vegas is one of the few truly modern, safe havens untouched by the bombs), being shot in the head before being buried and left for dead by a mysterious man in a checkered suit and his goofy, poorly pre-rendered goons. You are dug up by a robot and taken to a doctor nearby, and after naming your character and creating him or her you begin the game proper. Your main quest is of course to find out who tried to kill you and why. In truth, the story is very wire-frame. It's not all too interesting and the world around you is far more interesting than the actual plot; specifically the war between the NCR and Caesar's Legionnaire.

To elaborate, The NCR (New California Republic) are a militaristic organization that want to organize and return the wastes to a more governmental system. Caesar's Legionnaire are a "Clan," who are extremely twisted and perverse who punish their adversaries in torturous ways (Often crucifixion) and deal in human trading, to the point of trading women to breed children before killing the elder off. One of the key points in controlling Nevada is the Hoover Dam, and the NCR and the Legionnaire have been fighting for it for years as it is one of the few sources of generating electricity.

The world is just as alive as Fallout 3's, if not more so. One thing lacking in Fallout 3 is that while you had a karma system that could make you "Good" or "Bad," it was a very hackneyed system and some characters were simply evil no matter what. In the old games and many other RPGs, you could befriend raiders or chat up super-mutants, in Fallout 3 they all attacked you no matter what. In fact there's actually a funny dialogue retconning the Fallout 3 super-mutants where the Nightkin; a new breed of supermutant; are talking about how the "Second generation super-mutants" were all dum-dums. You can now befriend various factions, and this has a huge outcome on the game. Although I regret it after learning of some of their more twisted ordeals, I befriended Caesar's Legionnaire and made a majour enemy of the NCR; which proved getting into New Vegas and making it through checkpoints difficult, but it still brought benefits later on. Another feature of the faction system is that you can wear a factions armour and you will be identified as one of them, which can be used for Stealth provided you aren't completely vilified by the community you are infiltrating or you get a mite too close to one of their superiors.

The faction system can be a bit touchy though. Naturally doing things for one faction will improve their outlook on you, whereas harming them or wronging them will piss them off. You can balance this as you can be "Disliked" by a faction, but still keep enough reputation that you can walk through without being shot on sight. However combat can make this hard, killing so much as 3 or 4 of one faction might instantly Vilify you (Which means they will attack on sight and will not negotiate at all) and there are some instances where this proves very annoying.

I played a second play-through and when I was in "Freeside," the slums just outside New Vegas, I did not have the caps to get into New Vegas and worked for a gang known as The Kings (I won't spoil the humour behind their name, but it was a genuinely funny touch after hearing a news-caster talk about how sinister and mysterious they were.) so that I could get access to New Vegas. I was on good terms with the NCR, but when doing one of The King's quests, I had to fight some NCR. Two of them went down, and I was suddenly taken down to just one level before Vilified. A little more balance or benefit of a doubt would be nice in some cases such of this, plus the number of acts against or for one faction changes wildly.

The SPECIAL system is also improved. When replaying Fallout 3, many of my characters were exactly the same with the SPECIAL system the way it was, with VERY mild modifiers. Here, my two characters were very different beasts. Each stat actually counts this time, and while not as advanced as its original incarnation in the first two games; it is definitely richer and closer. The game also eases up the scaled leveling a bit. While it is still here, there are sections that an inexperienced player cannot survive and some beasts simply will not scale down for the players convenience like in FO3. Leveling is also closer to its predecessors, you do not get perks each level, but rather every other level. You also get two traits when you begin the game, like before. This adds to the role-playing elements, amongst many other things.

The rest of the gameplay will be familiar to those who played Fallout 3. V.A.T.S. is back, you'll explore the wastes and find lots of secrets and goodies, etc. There are some expansions, the workbenches are expanded to traditional workbenches that allow you to build stuff and reloading stations. Workbenches make weapons or tools, reloading stations make ammo. You can also collect plants and use campfires to make things like healing powder. They can all be used in various ways, and much of the junk you find around isn't as useless as you might think. You never know when a pile of scrap electronics can make your trusty plasma-pistol one of the deadliest around.

Speaking of weapons, there are multiple types of ammo and mods now. You can get Armor Piercing rounds which do as they say, but are less effective against unarmored creatures. Armored creatures/characters will be labeled by an armor symbol when you shoot them, which is convenient. AP rounds are especially nice for rad-scorpion packs. There are also hollow point rounds that do more against flesh, but less against armour. If you are low on funds, you can also get surplus ammo; but it isn't as effective. Mods can be anything from scopes to doo-dads that make your bullets or energy shots explode in crippling shots.

Another new addition to the game is hardcore mode. Hardcore mode is much more sim-like, items like stimpaks work over time rather than instantly and only rare doctor bags can be used to heal crippled limbs. You will need to eat, sleep, and drink to survive. Companions can die, etc. It is great for free-roamers who want to feel an even richer experience of living in a harsh-wastelander and allows you to squeeze some more gameplay out of an already massive game.

The game is somewhat more humorous and also more disturbing than its predecessor; a trademark of its 2D roots. The most humorous aspect for me were the Nightkin, the new breed of Super-mutants. I loved their radio station as whenever I would hear their leader Best Friend Tabitha (Who of course has a deep, grunty voice) and the news reporter Rhonda (Who has a throaty falsetto) chatting it up. One of the funniest exchanges regards how cute and huggable centaurs are, and the parts where they try to execute a stereotypical Mexican mechanic for being human is also humorous as he keeps getting off since Best Friend Tabitha needs something repaired. Caesar's Legion punctuate the darker and more disturbing element, along with some other undesirables and acts of desperation. I already mentioned their love of crucifixion and human slavery and trading, but there are many other dark secrets they hold. Even the NCR has some dark twists awaiting for you.

On the whole, New Vegas is a fantastic game. I enjoyed it even more than Fallout 3, and anyone who enjoyed that game will enjoy New Vegas. It offers the same level of fun and expands several elements and gives you an extreme amount of bang for your buck. I simply hope Bethesda considers Obsidian's additions to the game canon and incorporates and expands said elements in Fallout 4.

Windows · by Kaddy B. (777) · 2010

Oblivion with revolvers

The Good
There's quite a bit of writing in New Vegas, much of which is decent--a huge improvement on Fallout 3. The places one visits and the characters one talks to are more realistic. There are more choices to make, and the choices are more ambiguous. At least some attention was paid to making characters with real motivations for their actions

Gameplay was improved on Fallout 3 - the game is harder, the level scaling less apparent and the combat more satisfying. There are many skill checks in dialogues, making pure combat characters less attractive.

Thanks to the old engine, the game runs very well in Linux through Wine.

The Bad
The characters and their animation still look terrible. And I mean terrible. There are PS2 games that look ten times better. Shadows are non-existent and objects tend to pop-in out of nowhere as you're running through the desert. Performance degrades significantly if you look at the direction of several NPCs. The UI continues to be cute, but barely usable.

Some of the dialogues are poorly written and accompanied by inappropriate voice acting. Many of the skill check lines in dialogues are unconvincing. The game is poorly balanced against energy weapons and there are really only two sorts of enemies in New Vegas: the sort you can outrun, which are trivial and the ones that are faster than you, which are more difficult.

There are many elements of the game that break immersion. The clever quest names, for instance. the ding sound accompanied with You've Gained Karma! when you kill raiders, the ominous sound effect together with a list of quests you've just failed when you kill some significant NPC, the animated experience bar that appears whenever you do something which the game deems significant, the red colored text informing you that what you're about to do illegal, the all-knowing quest compass, the slow motion decapitations that sometimes play, etc. All of this just gets in the way. Clearly Obsidian has never heard of 'less is more'.

In attempting to make the game morally grey, Obsidian may have gone a bit too far. None of the three main factions you can choose to support are any good. House is an Objectivist abomination who clearly needs to go outside more, the NCR is a corrupt, ineffective republic with naive grunts and cynical leaders (closely mirroring the contemporary US government), and the Legion are evil slavers. A steam poll showed that most players chose the fourth--comedy--faction. It's not hard to see why. Maybe they should've made the Followers one of the factions.

Most of the companions are particularly annoying personalities and are much too powerful offensively to the point where they can handle all the enemies themselves. They also have infinite ammo. And they automatically heal. And the all the experience points for their kills go to you. So why should you bother? Together with the quest compass, it's like the game plays itself, really.

The hardcore mode's eating and sleeping requirements add nothing to the game. You randomly find food and water every few minutes in boxes, it's just a matter of a few annoying extra clicks. The lack of depth is disappointing. Even if you're about to die from starvation you can't ask anyone to spare some food, for instance. I guess voice acting all those lines wouldn't been too expensive. Such are the disadvantages of voice acting.

The Bottom Line
It's a lot like Fallout 3, which was a lot like Oblivion. There was a bit of hope that the staggering decline in quality after Morrowind was temporary, but it looks like Bethesda is set to continue to push bad games forever. In view of this, I give New Vegas an F.

Windows · by dorian grey (243) · 2011

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Cavalary, Alsy, OFF, Cantillon, Caliner, Sicarius, ryanbus84, Patrick Bregger, Samuel Smith, jaXen, Riemann80, Tim Janssen, Utritum, POMAH.