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007: The World Is Not Enough

aka: 007: Die Welt ist nicht genug, 007: O Mundo não é o Bastante, James Bond 007: Le Monde ne Suffit pas, TWINE
Moby ID: 3969

Critic Reviews add missing review

Average score: 81% (based on 28 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.6 out of 5 (based on 38 ratings with 3 reviews)

For goldeneye fans...it's not enough...

The Good
Story: After the leader of a oil line (Robert King) is murdered at MI6 Bond is sent to look after his daughter, Electra, but things seem strange when Electra's previous assilant, Renard a man who has lost all feeling to his body, arrives on the scene. Teamed up with Christmas Jones (I thought christmas came only once every year) Bond must stop Renard from destorying Islam with the plutonium core of a Russian Sub.

Menu: A nice Motorolla phone layout, very slick.

Difficulty: At easy you are god, hard...pray.

Graphics: Very good, and impressive too, from realistic shine on the flooring, detailed cityscapes, characters, bullet holes and explosions. All done in wonderful detail. The characters all resemble their life counterparts, even moneypenny looks good. The weapons are done with the usal flair, fairly basic but still look good, as well as a nice night vision and lenz flare off lights. the bad guys are well drawn but lack the detail that the main characters hold. The levels are true to the movie, with that weird torture chair making a camo.All is done in the usal Bond style.

Sound: Fairly good, music is a bit bland, all voice though with some nice acting from John Clease. Good weapons sounds and more.

Gameplay: The game is mostly scripted, although some weapons can be found by taking the left route instead of the right. The missions are true to the game, but the scriptedness takes away the Bond flair that made goldeneye so famous. The mission does have it's good side at times, even though some are hard. A bot or human multiplayer is included with the ability to earn new levels and playable characters (A woman clad in only a towel is also in).

The Bad
The A.I was rather poor, point and shoot. That was it. the gameplay was boring after a while and you got sick of repeating the same mission over and over again. Also easy was too easy. And hard was bloody impossible

The Bottom Line
For the fans, hire it before you buy it. Good in some places (Like blowing away Dame Judy Dench) and bad in others (Like we can hold our breath for THAT long under the water) Also the loading times are stupid and you need a memory card to play.

Nintendo 64 · by Sam Hardy (80) · 2001

Lives Up to the Legacy

The Good

  • Realistic Agent Experience: The game successfully captures the essence of being a secret agent, offering varied missions that include stealth, espionage, and intense action sequences.

  • Solid Controls: With the exception of minor issues, the controls are responsive and intuitive, enhancing the overall gameplay experience.

  • Vast Arsenal: The game provides a wide selection of over 40 weapons, including iconic gadgets from Q like night vision devices and data shredders, adding depth and versatility to combat.

  • Engaging Multiplayer: The multiplayer mode delivers enjoyable and competitive gameplay, offering numerous maps to explore and providing hours of entertainment.

  • Immersive Atmosphere: The game excels in capturing the Bond atmosphere, with well-designed levels, impressive lighting effects, and reflections that contribute to the overall ambiance.

  • Fitting Sound Design: The sound effects and voice acting enhance the immersion, especially the intense shouts of terrorists, adding to the authenticity and thrill of the game.

  • Unique Identity: While comparisons with other Bond games exist, The World Is Not Enough stands out with its own originality, combining elements from the film and incorporating new ideas into the first-person shooter genre.

    The Bad

  • Visual Shortcomings: Without the expansion pack, the graphics appear lackluster, particularly in normal mode where they can seem spongy and gray. However, using the Hi-Res mode resolves this issue.

  • Occasional Stutters: Some minor stuttering occurs, primarily in environments with large flames, which can be a minor annoyance but doesn't significantly impact the overall gameplay.

  • Lack of Bond Music: The absence of iconic James Bond theme music is a letdown, and while the hand-made music in the game is decent, it fails to fully capture the Bond experience.

  • Clunky Character Models: The character models, including M, appear unpolished and unattractive, which can be distracting and detract from the overall visual appeal.

  • Inconsistent AI: In the multiplayer mode, the AI opponents can be disappointingly unintelligent, reducing the challenge and depth of the matches.

  • Control Inversion: The unconventional control scheme, where pressing up makes the camera look down, can be disorienting and may require some adjustment.

  • Limited Innovation: While the game builds upon the foundation of GoldenEye 007, it doesn't introduce groundbreaking innovations, potentially leaving players craving more novelty.

    The Bottom Line
    007: The World Is Not Enough successfully provides an engaging and varied single-player experience with stealth, action, and espionage. The solid controls, vast arsenal of weapons, and immersive atmosphere contribute to an authentic secret agent adventure. While the game falls short in some visual aspects and lacks the iconic Bond music, it remains an enjoyable and worthy addition to the N64 library, particularly for fans of the Bond franchise.

Nintendo 64 · by WONDERなパン (16817) · 2023

Not bad, not good.

The Good
This was one of the first games I played on the N64 that I can recall. Back then, the graphics were above-average, the sound and voice-acting, though a bit cheesy, was good and the star of the game was multiplayer. Now I'm not saying that single-player isn't fun, but like with most other first-person shooters, this game is more suited for friends.

The Bad
The main problem for me was control. Now, if you don't agree with me, fine, but I personally didn't find the gun controls to help in the game. When I would tried to aim weapons like the automatics, the gun would shoot almost everything but target but it still didn't stop me from having from.

The Bottom Line
I would describe this game as fast-paced, out-of-control, and fun. A great classic to the N64!

Nintendo 64 · by Derrick Igbo (2) · 2007

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by Wizo, Big John WV, Jeanne, Alsy, Patrick Bregger, mikewwm8, vedder, Tim Janssen, coenak, Parf.