Supreme Commander

aka: SupCom
Moby ID: 26709

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Average score: 81% (based on 60 ratings)

Player Reviews

Average score: 3.6 out of 5 (based on 40 ratings with 1 reviews)

Real successor for TA

The Good
This is one of the few games that can be called a real strategy game. You don't control a mere 10-20 units when you attack, like in C&C or Warcraft games, this game makes it possible to have attacks with 100s of units (air, sea or land). To enable such massive conflicts, you get maps which are huge...really huge. Some maps are 40x40 Kms, which means that even aircraft will travel some time from one end to the other. It is also one of the few games where units and buildings are more or less scale to each other. You won't find huge tanks and tiny ships here like in C&C.

The Bad
There are 2 main issues with the game, which can sour the thrill of the battles. - It is CPU hungry, not a bit, a lot. If you don't have at least a 1.8Ghz Dual Core CPU, don't buy it, you will only get frustrated with the lag. - The huge maps have also a shadowy side: Units which tend to be large and well animated in other RTS games, like tanks or walkers will be small in this one. There are however a couple of huge units, like huge battleships which will make you forget this flaw.

The Bottom Line
Its a nice and almost realistic RTS which will give you the opportunity to lead huge battles on land, air or sea.

Windows · by Tamas Molnar (19) · 2008

Contributors to this Entry

Critic reviews added by chirinea, Wizo, Kabushi, Cantillon, Sciere, RhYnoECfnW, coenak, Alsy, Jeanne, PCGamer77, SupSuper, Plok, Patrick Bregger, CalaisianMindthief, Zeikman, firefang9212, jaXen, COBRA-COBRETTI, Stratege, Chris Pickering, Samuel Smith, Spenot, Xoleras, Tim Janssen, Big John WV.