Mr Almond
Contribution Score: | 2,485 (+0 in last year) |
Member Since: | March 25, 2006 |
Xbox GamerTag | Mr Almond |
Location: | Brighton, Sussex, United Kingdom |
Messages Posted: | 61 |
About Me: |
I've been console gaming now for the best part of 20 years and have the joint pains in my fingers to prove it. The first gaming system we had as a family was an Atari 800XL which was then followed by my brothers NES and my own Master System. While friends had Sega Mega Drives (which I loved), I was playing on the Super Nintendo.(which I loved) and somewhere in the house there was also a Gameboy. As my family dynamic moved around, the Gameboy stayed, the Super NES went and then returned and a Mega Drive came my way. Around 1995 my gaming started to take a back seat which meant I missed first hand the 32 and 64 bit wars from Sony, Sega and Nintendo. While friends were now raving about Playstations, I was still playing Super NES and Mega Drive games. After the 16bit consoles had died and battlegrounds had settled, my brother got me a Playstation for my birthday (which I still have). Late to the game, (about 2001) I got myself a PS2, and then about a year later a Game Cube. All was good and my fingers were starting to ache again. I dabbled with the PSP for a few months around launch but didn't get much out of it so it was sold on and replaced with a DS. (Mainly for my daughter). Around the same time I got a great deal on an N64 so have slowly been discovering some of the great games I missed the first time round. Recently, I picked up a couple of Dreamcasts and have been blown away with some of the titles available. Also got a Xbox 360 running now so should be busy for a while.... That is until something else catches my eye. |