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Rebel Peach

Contribution Score: 3 (+0 in last year)
Member Since: December 28, 2005
About Me:

I like to think of myself as a rainbow: I have a colourful personality, each colour representing a different side of me. ^_^

I'm not sure which colour would represent my gaming interests, but it'd be a large stripe. Though I love to game - I own a Nintendo GameCube but I play on most platforms - I am not the 'couch-potato' that gamers are often dubbed as. -x-x-x-x- My nickname, in case you are wondering, is linked directly to video games, as you may have guessed by the reference to Princess Peach.

The nickname began simply as "Peach". I earned the name because the first time my friend taught me how to play Super Smash Brothers, I chose Princess Peach as my character, and whooped some serious butt, even though it was my first time playing. The name stuck because of my sneeze (which sounds like how the Princess might sneeze) and my insane ability to imitate the Toadstool Kingdom royal.

"Rebel Peach" came along after I - and some of my other friends - decided that, even though 'my' character is still Peach, my favourite colour is pink, and I still flawlessly imitate her, I was not as wussy as the blonde. So, through artwork and imagination, I created a different version of Peach who accurately captures both my feminine and peachy side and my strong, whoop-butt side into one awesome character: Rebel Peach. (The original drawing is hanging in my bedroom.)