🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping
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Contribution Score: 27 (+0 in last year)
Member Since: March 23, 2005
Homepage: http://www.diglot.net
Xbox GamerTag radcastro
Location: American Canyon, United States
About Me:

I have been an avid and hardcore video gamer since I was 6 years old. I was born when the atari 2600 debuted but I also had the priviledge to play older consoles such as the Unisonic Tournament 2000.

Web programmer by day, gamer by night. I enjoy games the same way I enjoy books and movies. I believe that games have evolved into another form of art and this site is definitely a testament to it. I've followed it since 2000.

I am also a writer of video games and my book (Let Me Play: Stories Of Gaming And Emulation) can be found in many stores including Amazon.com

If you would like to see my video game collection: http://www.radcastro.com/Games/default.aspx