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Contributions > Descriptions by jeff leyda (1854)

jeff leyda has contributed 26 descriptions to the database.

Added description to Triple Action: Volume 2 · January 19, 2013
Added description to Snooper Troops: Case #2 - The Case of the Disappearing Dolphin · February 3, 2007

The 2nd and final in the series of detective/problem solving games for kids. Armed with your Snoop-mobile, the snoopNET computer, a wrist-radio, flashlight and pen and paper, you're the detective who must solve the case of Lilly, the missing dolphin.

The game requires logical thinking, planning, and note taking as you slowly comb the neighborhood gathering clues and evidence. Once the suspect is properly identified, use the snoopNET computer to accuse and ensure that justice has been served.

Added description to Amarillo Slim Dealer's Choice · April 3, 2003

Amarillo Slim Dealer's Choice is a poker simulation featuring several game variations, including 5, 6 or 7 Stud, Mexican, Hold 'em and Forty-Four. Other game features include high score table, save/restore feature, embedded help/rules, statistics, and multiplayer support. The tutor feature allows to calculate the change of improving the hand for the next card at any time.

Added description to KinderComp · March 11, 2003

An early learning game for kids aged 3-8. This program is a collection of 6 learning games:

Draw, Scribble, Names, Sequence, Letters and Match.

KinderComp helps children improve their reading and counting skills as well as familiarizing them with the computer keyboard.

Added description to Beneath Apple Manor · March 10, 2003

An early graphical rogue-like dungeon crawl. Slay some monsters, build up some experience, explore deeper levels.

The goal is to find the Golden Apple, buried somewhere deep in the basement beneath the manor.

This game can be configured for either graphics or text, 10 different skill levels, and configurable room layouts. Each level is created randomly at the beginning of the game.

Besides monsters which you have to fight, you can also find treasures, secret doors and hidden traps in the dungeons.

Added description to Football · February 23, 2003

For all armchair quarterbacks, subLOGIC's football is an in depth strategy/action football game complete with full rosters of (fictional) players.

Once a play has been selected using the quick menus, the game shifts into action mode where you control player's actions.

One or two player modes available; play against a friend or the computer.

Added description to Stargate · March 9, 2002

Save the humanoids from the impending aliens in the sequel to Defender. The task is still rescuing humanoids before Landers can turn them into Mutants, while avoiding and shooting other foes, however you must now carry humanoids to safety through the Stargate of the title.

Entering this Stargate not only warps you to the nearest humanoid in jeopardy, but can also warp you ahead (while on the first 15 levels) if you enter it with 4 or more humanoids, and give you extra lives if you warp with 10 humanoids, so there is a trade-off between guaranteeing the safety of existing humanoids, and trying to advance your position.

There are more enemies on screen than ever before. The Inviso button makes you invisible to enemies, but also to yourself, so you will have to follow your bullets to work out where on the screen you are.

Added description to Bar Games · January 13, 2002

Bar Games is a collection of games and activities apparently played in bars. The games and activities can be played as a tournament or individually.

Games include:

  • Liar's Dice
  • Wet N' Wild
  • The Keg Of Beer
  • Air Hockey
  • Pick-Up Artist
Added description to Harley-Davidson: The Road to Sturgis · July 14, 2001

It's just 10 days away from the great bike drop bash happening at Sturgis South Dakota, and you're miles away!

Ride your Harley through the open countryside to get there in time. You must dodge fallen rocks, automobiles, outrun the police, and rescue a few wayward females with car troubles along the way.

During your adventure, you'll be required to upgrade your motorcycle, join cycling events in local towns, and talk to natives in the local stores.

Once you get to Sturgis, then the real fun begins!

Added description to Dragon's Lair: Escape from Singe's Castle · July 12, 2001

Dirk the Daring is a heroic, if clumsy knight. When Princess Daphne was kidnapped by the dragon, Singe, and taken to his castle... Dirk set out to rescue her. Due to a lack of disk and memory space in the systems of the day, the port of the arcade game, Dragon's Lair was split into two parts. The first part covered the half of the game dealing with entering Singe's Castle and saving the Princess. This second part, named Dragon's Lair II: Escape from Singe's Castle completes the game, continuing the adventure of Dirk the Daring after slaying Singe the Dragon.

Dirk the Daring is controlled by the player, who views Dirk's actions on the screen from third-person. The game is reactive and players must press the right controller direction or action button at the right time to have Dirk avoid traps, defeat monsters and otherwise stay alive.

Added description to Joust · May 14, 2001

In Joust, players take control of a knight with a lance who rides their flying ostrich (or stork, for Player 2) to do battle against computer-controlled evil knights who ride atop vultures.

Players must flap their steed's wings to hit the enemy from a higher jousting point to destroy the vulture and its rider. Once the enemy has been hit, an egg falls to one of the platforms below. The heroic knights must destroy the eggs before they hatch and release new and increasingly more difficult knights. The three strengths of enemy knights are Bounder (red knight), Hunter (white knight), and Shadow Lord (blue knight). These enemy knights are not the only challenge to be found in the game. Players must also contend with crumbling platforms, lava trolls who attempt to pull knights into the fire, and the dreaded "unbeatable"(?) pterodactyl.

The game was novel for its time for being one of the few two-player simultaneous games in the arcade.

Added description to Microsoft Entertainment Pack for Windows · May 5, 2001

This compilation contains:

The pack also includes several screen savers.

Added description to Congo Bongo · April 30, 2001

Congo Bongo is an arcade platform game similar in many ways to Donkey Kong, but with an isometric perspective. The player takes control of a safari hunter who is searching for an ape named Bongo, determined to punish him for setting the hunter's tent on fire. The game consists of four one-screen stages, each with an objective to jump on platforms and reach the top. Various animals will try to stop the protagonist: for example, in the first level a large gorilla throws coconuts at him. The hero has no offensive abilities and must jump or otherwise avoid enemy attacks. Stages may contain obstacles or hazardous spots that would kill off the main character.

Added description to Questprobe: Featuring Human Torch and the Thing · July 13, 2000

The 3rd installment of Questprobe's Marvel comic book text adventures with graphics.

Free Alicia Masters from the evil Doctor Doom by playing the Thing and the Human Torch. You can switch between the two characters at any time during gameplay.

Added description to The Hulk · July 13, 2000

1st in the Questprobe Marvel Comics series. Play Bruce Banner and the Incredible Hulk through this interactive fiction game with graphics. You awake as Banner, tied by ropes to your chair in a bunker in the desert; once you free yourself, collect all the gems to escape this hellhole.

Added description to 3-K Trivia · June 29, 2000

3-K Trivia is a trivia game for up to six players. Each question round begins with a slot machine which randomly chooses three of the question categories (science, history, geography, nature, sports, show business and two mixed topics). Then the player (each participant is quizzed separately) chooses the category (provided that different ones appeared) and has to answer a trivia question by typing in the answer.

Answering correctly awards a certain amount of points and the goal is to collect more than the other players. The specific amount is influenced by a number of factors, most importantly the spinning at the beginning of the round: when a category appears more than once, it is worth more points. There are also Joker cards which increase the stake. Points are deducted for using the help function (revealing a letter) or small differences (e.g. due to a typo) to the correct answer. When the result is tied after the last question was asked, the game continues one question at a time until one player wins.

Options include setting the number of questions each player is asked (up to 25) and a 15 second time limit for answering. The game allows to add more questions.

Added description to Super Bowl Sunday · June 27, 2000

A strategy, turn based football game with teams and player stats based off of real life football. Play against the computer or human opponent while selecting teams and plays.

Added description to PC-Man · June 27, 2000

A fairly faithful reproduction of the classic Pac-Man arcade game, considering its age and use of CGA graphics. As ever, the main character moves through a maze collecting dots and avoiding ghosts, using power pills for a chance to kill the ghosts for points.

Added description to Trivia 101: The Introductory Course · June 27, 2000

In the same vein as TV and Cinema and 3k Trivia, IBM gives us another game show trivia game, this time with categories such as:

The Bible

Famous Epitaphs

High Technology (for 1984...)

Hollywood Horrors

Diet and Fitness

...and about 100 more.

Added description to Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom · June 27, 2000

Buck Rogers: Planet of Zoom is a single player science fiction themed obstacle race, where the player controls Buck Rogers' space ship and must guide it through multiple pairs of pylons throughout the game. Controlling the ship involves side scrolling to the left or right, stop, moving forward (and faster), and moving backwards/break (and slower). Additionally, the spaceship can also fire its weapon to unleash a pair of energy bolts.

The player starts in sector 1.0 and will finish this level after the player successfully goes between an allocated number of pylons, indicated at the top left side of the screen; the first requirement is 9 pylons and will gradually increase with each new sector. In sector 1.1., with the addition of having to complete the pylon requirement, a group of flying saucers, ranging from 1 to 4 (per group), fly in a pattern. The player must avoid these flying saucers by maneuvering out of their way or by shooting them down. In sector 1.3., a new type of robot spaceship (at least one) will fly erratically and attempt to crash into the player's space ship (due to the marvel of technology of that era, enemy ships that disappear from one side of the screen, will emerge on the other side of the screen). Later sectors will gradually introduce more difficult challenges.

The game ends when the player loses all three lives by crashing into (or being crashed by, it seems sometimes) pylons or enemy space ships. Although there is no penalty in avoiding pylons altogether, the game will also end if the allocated amount of time (indicated by a long bar at the top center screen) runs out. The player may increase speed to move faster, which will present maneuverability challenges in itself. The overall score increases by distance traveled, pylons traveled through, and enemy spaceships shot down. The latest score and the high score are saved and shown in the main menu.

Added description to PC Pool Challenges · June 26, 2000

Play straight pool or 8 ball with up to 4 players in this incredibly customizable pool simulation. Players can be human or computer controlled.

Nearly every aspect of pool is re-created in this game including speed, English, skill levels and more. The game also has a customize menu allowing you to change friction, rail bounce, collide accuracy and much, much more.

Added description to Hi-Res Adventure #2: The Wizard and the Princess · June 23, 2000

King George's daughter Priscilla has been kidnapped by an evil wizard named Harlin, who holds her in his castle. The King offers half of his kingdom to anyone who would venture into the faraway mountain land, enter the castle, defeat Harlin, and bring back the princess. Only one adventurer is brave enough to accept this challenge.

The Wizard and the Princess is a text adventure with graphics. The game's environments are composed of still shots viewed from first-person perspective. The player types combinations of verbs and objects to interact with the game world, move between locations, solve puzzles, and advance the story.

The IBM PC version, entitled Adventure in Serenia, is the exact same game, with the exception of the plot introduction, which is described as a sequel to The Wizard and the Princess: Harlin uses the sands of time to undo his demise by the brave wanderer, and the player has to defeat him once again.

Added description to Five-a-Side Soccer · June 23, 2000

This version of indoor soccer requires maximum use of skilful rebounds off the walled edges. It is played for ten minutes per match, against the computer at one of three skills levels or another player. Fouls result in penalty kicks, which work differently to outdoor soccer - a penalty tournament is also available.

Added description to Winter Games · March 29, 2000

Another in the series of Epyx Olympic sports games. Compete in many different sporting events: Ski Jump, Hot Dog, Biathlon, Bobsled, Free Skating, Figure Skating, and more.

Added description to World Games · March 28, 2000

World Games is an Olympics-style sports game with arcade-oriented gameplay. The events players can compete in include:

  • Barrel jumping
  • Bull riding
  • Caber toss
  • Cliff diving
  • Log rolling
  • Skiing
  • Sumo wrestling
  • Weightlifting

In the Sega Master System version, there is only four events:

  • Barrel jumping
  • Bull riding
  • Caber toss
  • Pole vault
Added description to Perry Mason: The Case of the Mandarin Murder · March 28, 2000

The Case of the Mandarin Murder is a text adventure with graphics, based on the Perry Mason detective stories by Erle Stanley Gardner. A woman is in jail after her rich husband is found dead, and the skillful attorney Perry Mason must prove her innocence. The gameplay is influenced by Infocom's games in similar genre.

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