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li zhen @280696516

Game Contributions

Item Contributed How Points Are Calculated # Submitted Points Awarded
Games added to game groupings ¼ point per game added to group 1 0
New Game Entries 2 points per new game entry 46 92
Alternate Game Titles 1 point per alternate game title 56 56
Game Release Information 1 point per game release info 63 63
Game Descriptions 4 points per game description 46 184
Game Screenshots 2 points per game screenshot 151 302
Related Game Web-Sites 1 point per related game website 4 4
Cover Art (box covers/etc) 3 points per game cover art 99 297
Game Credits 2 points per entry, plus 0.25 points per credit 1 2
Promotional Images ½ point per game promo image 1 0
Game Company 1 point per game company 103 103
Game Corrections 1 point per game correction 7 7

Company Contributions

Item Contributed How Points Are Calculated # Submitted Points Awarded
Company alternate names 1 point per alternate company name 17 17
Company Logo 1 point per company logo 13 13
Company Corrections 1 point per company correction 2 2

Other Contributions

Item Contributed How Points Are Calculated # Submitted Points Awarded
Revisions varying points per revision 1 0