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10,000 results for "warlords"

game cover GAME: Warlords (December 6, 1989)
DOS (1989), Amiga (1990), Macintosh (1992)
game cover GAME: Warlords (April 1981)
Atari 2600 (1981), Arcade (1981), Windows (2004), Xbox 360 (2010)
game cover GAME: Warlords (May 28, 2008)
Xbox 360 (2008)
game cover GAME: Warlords (October 9, 2012)
PlayStation 3 (2012), Xbox 360 (2012)
GAME: Warlords (1978)
Apple II (1978), TRS-80 (1978), Commodore PET/CBM (1978)
game cover GAME: Warlords (1982)
Atom (1982)
game cover GAME: Warlords (2002)
Windows (2002)
game cover GAME: Warlords of Aternum (October 27, 2015)
AKA: Warlords
Android (2015), iPhone (2016), iPad (2016), Browser (2017)
PERSON: Warlocs
Credited on Awaken: Astral Blade.
game cover GAME: Warlords II (1993)
DOS (1993), Macintosh (1994), Windows Mobile (2003)
COMPANY: Warlocs
Warlocs is a collective of freelance game translators.
30 games documented, including UFO 50.
game cover GAME: Warlords: Classic (June 10, 2012)
iPad (2012), iPhone (2012)
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