🕹️ Pre-orders now open for physical editions of MMPR: Rita's Rewind

Brandon G. Hutt

aka: Brandon Hutt
Moby ID: 96431

Credits (16 credits on 10 games)

Star Wars: Empire at War (2006, Windows) Assistant Lead Testers
WildStar (2014, Windows) Systems Designer
WildStar (2014, Windows) Combat Designer
Resistance: Burning Skies (2012, PS Vita) Level Designers
PlayStation Move Heroes (2011, PlayStation 3) Systems Designers
Zombie Apocalypse (2009, PlayStation 3) Design Team
Zombie Apocalypse (2009, Xbox 360) Design Team
Quality Assurance
Conan (NSFW) (2007, PlayStation 3) QA
Conan (NSFW) (2007, Xbox 360) QA
Star Wars: Republic Commando (2005, Windows) QA Testers (Xbox Assistant Lead)
Star Wars: Republic Commando (2005, Xbox) QA Testers (Xbox Assistant Lead)
Star Wars: Battlefront (2004, Windows) QA Testers
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003, Windows) Testers
Gladius (2003, PlayStation 2) Additional Testers
Gladius (2003, Xbox) Additional Testers
Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (2003, Xbox) Testers