Emilia Gorecka

Moby ID: 906722

Credits (12 credits on 11 games)

Quality Assurance
God's Trigger (2019, Windows) QA Compliance Engineers
Metro: Exodus (2019, PlayStation 4) QA Compliance Engineers
Metro: Exodus (2019, Xbox One) QA Compliance Engineers
Steel Rats (2018, Windows) QA Compliance Engineers
Thronebreaker: The Witcher Tales (2018, Windows) QA Localization Testers (Polish)
Immortal: Unchained (2018, Windows) QA Compliance Engineers
Illusion: A Tale of the Mind (2018, Windows) QA Compliance Engineers
Surviving Mars (2018, Windows) QA Specialists
Pure Farming 2018 (2018, Windows) QA Compliance Engineers
Kingdom Come: Deliverance (2018, Windows) QA Specialists
Ducati: 90th Anniversary (2016, Windows) QA Testers
Dying Light: Enhanced Edition - The Following (2016, Windows) QA Testers