Tomohiro Yokozawa

aka: T. Yokozawa
Moby ID: 838333

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Credited on 9 games

Pokémon Scarlet (2022, Nintendo Switch) Contents Programming
Capcom Arcade Stadium (2021, Nintendo Switch) Programmer
Resident Evil 5: Gold Edition (2019, Nintendo Switch) Programmers
Monster Hunter: Generations Ultimate (2017, Nintendo Switch) Programming
Monster Hunter: Generations (2015, Nintendo 3DS) Programmers
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: HD Ver. (2012, Xbox 360) Programmers
Ōkamiden (2010, Nintendo DS) Programmers
Mega Man Star Force 3: Black Ace (2008, Nintendo DS) Scenario Programmer
Mega Man Star Force 3: Red Joker (2008, Nintendo DS) Scenario Programmer


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