Taira Komori

aka: taira-komori, 小森 平
Moby ID: 780374

Credits (63 credits on 59 games)

Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers (2022, Windows) 8-Bit Coin
Arcade Spirits: The New Challengers (2022, Windows) Atomic Bomb
Inari (2023, Windows) katana_cut3 by
Inari (2023, Windows) lightning by
Truth of Beauty Witch: Marine's treasure ship (2023, Windows) Music & Sound
Loretta (2023, Windows) Thanks to the users of Freesound.org
Last Command (2022, Windows) Open Source SFX from Freesound
Zombie Scream (2022, Windows) Music & Sound
Synthetic Lover (NSFW) (2021, Windows) freesound.org (edited)
Evil God Korone (2021, Windows) Music & Sound
Dinner with an Owl (2021, Windows) 'Horror Piano Chord' by
The Companion (2021, Windows) freesound.org
Neighbors by Chance (2021, Windows) https://freesound.org/
Yotsume God: Reunion (2021, Android) Music Material (credited as Komori Taira no Tsukaikata (小森平の使い方))
Blazing Aries (NSFW) (2021, Windows) SE (credited as "Let's Play With Free Sound Effects!" (無料効果音で遊ぼう!))
Phoenotopia: Awakening (2021, Windows) Sound Effect Sources
TenkafuMA! (NSFW) (2021, Android) Music (音樂) (小森 平) (taira-komori.jpn.org)
Murder House (2020, Windows) putting1.mp3 by
Vampires Melody (2020, Windows) Sound Effects (credited as "Let's Play with Free Sound Effects" http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html)
Literal Dungeon Crawler (2020, Browser) headache.mp3 (https://freesound.org/people/Taira%20Komori/sounds/216913/)
Welcome To... Chichester: OVN 3 - The Mysterious Affair at The Violet Hotel (2020, Windows) Additional Sound Effects (“Let's Play with Free Sound Effects” (http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html))
NecroWorm (2020, Nintendo Switch) Music & FX
Bee Simulator (2019, Windows) Creators of Sound Effects
Welcome To... Chichester: OVN 2 - Master Tormentor Grendel Jinx!? (2019, Windows) Additional Sound Effects by (“Let's Play with Free Sound Effects” (http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html))
Fluffy Store (2019, Windows) Sound Effects (音效) ("Let's Play with Free Sound Effects": https://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html)
Onyx Clad (2019, Windows) Contributors Including (credited as Taira-komori)
Welcome To... Chichester 2: Part II - No Regrets For The Future (2019, Windows) Frying pan by
Welcome To... Chichester 2: Part II - No Regrets For The Future (2019, Windows) Frying pan
Welcome To... Chichester 2: Part II - No Regrets For The Future (2019, Windows) Kick2
Welcome To... Chichester: OVN - The Beach (2019, Windows) Additional Sound Effects by (“Let's Play with Free Sound Effects” (http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html))
Inorikaze (2019, Windows) Music/Sound Effect Materials (音樂音效素材) (小森平)
Arcade Spirits (2019, Windows) 8-Bit Coin
Serment: Contract with a Devil (NSFW) (2019, Windows) Sound Effect
Dealer's Life (2019, Windows) Newspaper (http://freesound.org/people/Taira%20Komori/sounds/212542/)
Welcome To... Chichester 1: The Spy Of America And The Long Vacation (2019, Windows) Knocking Out / Frying Pan / Knocking a wall / Explosions / Kicks / Punches (“Let's Play with Free Sound Effects” (http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html))
SteelLIFE (2019, Windows) SFX
Oppaidius Summer Trouble! (NSFW) (2018, Windows) Sound Effects (http://taira-komori.jpn.org)
Black Souls II (NSFW) (2018, Windows) BGM and Sound Effects (小森 平)
Cineris Somnia (2018, Windows) SFX (credited as KomoriTaira no Tsukaikata)
ZeroRanger (2018, Windows) Libraries Used (Let's Play with Free Sound Effects [taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html])
Donut County (2018, Windows) fire1.mp3
Welcome To... Chichester 2: The Spy Of Chichester And The Eager Tourist Guide (2018, Windows) Frying pan by
Fox Hime Zero (2018, Windows) Sound Effects (音效) ("Let's Play with Free Sound Effects": http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html)
so obscure; (2018, Windows) Sound
The Hanged Man (2018, Windows) Sound (Taira Komori's Usage)
The Boogie Man (2018, Windows) Sound (Taira Komori's Usage)
Card Quest (2017, Windows) Sound Effects created using (Dragon Breath1; Drinking1)
Fox Hime (2017, Windows) Sound Effects (音效) ("Taira Komori's Japanese Free Sound Effects": http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html)
Kokoro: Baka-Monogatari (2017, Windows) Free Audio (http://taira-komori.jpn.org/freesounden.html)
The Dream Machine: Chapter 6 (2017, Windows) Contributors to The Freesound Project (taira-komori)
The Dream Machine: Full Game (2017, Windows) Contributors to The Freesound Project (taira-komori)
Cthon (2016, Windows) Sound Effects by
100ft Robot Golf (2016, PlayStation 4) Legal
Dungeon Punks (2016, PlayStation 4) Sound Design
Yotsume God (2016, iPhone) Music Material (credited as Komori Taira no Tsukaikata (小森平の使い方))
Sophie's Curse (2016, Windows) Sounds from freesound
1bitHeart (2015, Windows) Sound (Taira Komori's Usage)
Love at First Sight (2015, Windows) Sound Effects from (お借りしたSE) (小森平)
The Dream Machine: Chapter 5 (2014, Windows) Contributors to The Freesound Project
Midnight Puppeteer (2014, Windows) SFX Resources (Taira Komori's Usage)
The Journey Down: Chapter Two (2014, iPhone) Audio courtesy of the following people
SF (NSFW) (2013, Windows) Sound Effects
Rusted Moss (2023, Windows) Special Thanks