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Hiroyuki Hamada

aka: 濱田 弘之
Moby ID: 74799

Credits (72 credits on 66 games)

Killer7 (2018, Windows) Coordinator (T's Music)
Dragon's Dogma Online (2015, Windows) Coordinators
Fantasy Life (2014, Nintendo 3DS) Production Assistant
Killer7 (2005, GameCube) Coordinator (T's Music)
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - Remastered (2019, Windows) Sound Director
Shenmue I & II (2018, Windows) BGM Conversion
Mario Tennis Aces (2018, Nintendo Switch) Sound Effects
Layton's Mystery Journey: Katrielle and the Millionaires' Conspiracy (2017, Android) Coordination
Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen (2016, Windows) Recording Coordinator
Mario Tennis: Ultra Smash (2015, Wii U) Sound Effects
Fire Emblem Fates: Conquest (2015, Nintendo 3DS) Sound Support (T's MUSIC Co., Ltd.)
Fire Emblem Fates: Birthright (2015, Nintendo 3DS) Sound Support (T's MUSIC Co., Ltd.)
Moco Moco Friends (2015, Nintendo 3DS) Recording Direction
LBX: Little Battlers eXperience (2012, Nintendo 3DS) Sound Director
Dragon's Dogma (2012, PlayStation 3) Coordinator (T's MUSIC)
Dragon's Dogma (2012, PlayStation 3) Recording Coordinator (T's MUSIC)
Fire Emblem: Awakening (2012, Nintendo 3DS) Music Support (T's Music)
Dragon's Dogma (2012, Xbox 360) Coordinator (T)
Dragon's Dogma (2012, Xbox 360) Recording Coordinator (T)
Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch (2011, PlayStation 3) Sound Director
Babysitting Mama (2010, Wii) Voice Director (T'sMUSIC)
Golden Sun: Dark Dawn (2010, Nintendo DS) Sound Effects
Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes (2010, PlayStation 3) Sound Director
Last Rebellion (2010, PlayStation 3) BGM Director
Monster Hunter Tri (2009, Wii) Sound Manager
Nostalgia (2008, Nintendo DS) Music Direction / BGM Data Production
Devil May Cry 4 (2008, Windows) Music Director - T's Music
Sengoku Basara X (2008, PlayStation 2) Sound Director (濱田 弘之)
Rondo of Swords (2007, Nintendo DS) T's Music Co., Ltd.
Standard Daisenryaku: Dengekisen (2007, PlayStation 2) BGM (濱田 弘之 (T'sMusic))
Standard Daisenryaku: Dengekisen (2007, PlayStation 2) BGM (濱田 弘之 (T'sMusic))
Ōkami (2006, PlayStation 2) Composers (T's Music)
Sonic Rush (2005, Nintendo DS) Sound Creators (T's Music)
Devil Kings (2005, PlayStation 2) Sound Director
Sengoku Basara (2005, PlayStation 2) Sound Director (濱田 弘之)
Under the Skin (2004, PlayStation 2) Sound Director (T's Music)
Densha de Go! Final (2004, PlayStation 2) Audio & Sound Effect Production (音響・効果音制作) (濱田弘之 / T's MUSIC)
Onimusha: Blade Warriors (2003, PlayStation 2) Sound Production
Ys I・II: Eternal Story (2003, PlayStation 2) Sound Editing (サウンド編集) (濱田 弘之)
Makai Tenshō (2003, PlayStation 2) Movie Sound (ムービーサウンド) (濱田 弘之)
Dino Crisis 3 (2003, Xbox) Soundtracks Music Director
Golden Sun: The Lost Age (2002, Game Boy Advance) Sound Effects
Akagawa Jirō Mystery: Tsuki no Hikari - Shizumeru Kane no Satsujin (2002, PlayStation 2) Sound Engineer (サウンドエンジニア) (濱田 弘之)
Wangan Midnight: R (2002, PlayStation 2) T's MUSIC
Virtua Striker 2002 (2002, Arcade) Sound Creators
Golden Sun (2001, Game Boy Advance) Sound Effects
Mario Tennis (2000, Game Boy Color) Sound Effects / Sound Operator
Gungriffon Blaze (2000, PlayStation 2) Music Management
Virtua Athlete 2000 (2000, Dreamcast) Sound Direction & Engineer (T's Music)
Undercover AD2025 Kei (2000, Dreamcast) Sound Production (音響制作) (T's music [濱田弘之])
Super Runabout: San Francisco Edition (2000, Dreamcast) SE-Sound Produce - T's music Limited Company
Shenmue (1999, Dreamcast) BGM Conversion
Panzer Front (1999, PlayStation) Sound Direction (T's Music)
Virtua Striker 2 (1999, Dreamcast) Sound Creators
July (1998, Dreamcast) Sound Director (サウンドディレクター) (濱田 弘之)
Wing Over 2 (1998, PlayStation) Music Compose (浜田弘之 (T's MUSIC))
Akagawa Jirō: Yasōkyoku (1998, PlayStation) Sound Engineer (サウンドエンジニア) (濱田弘之) (T's Music)
Kōdō Saisoku Densetsu: Initial D (1998, SEGA Saturn) Sound Effect (T's Music)
Super Tempo (1998, SEGA Saturn) Sound Direction & Compose
Sentimental Graffiti (1998, SEGA Saturn) Data Engineer (データエンジニア) (浜田弘之)
Crime Crackers 2 (1997, PlayStation) Music Programming (ミュージックプロムラミング) (濱田 弘之 [T's Music])
Tactics Ogre (1996, SEGA Saturn) Music Data & Effect Sequence (T's Music)
BRAHMA Force: The Assault on Beltlogger 9 (1996, PlayStation) Sound Effect
Hankou Shashin: Shibarareta Shōjotachi no Mita Mono wa? (1996, SEGA Saturn) Sound Making (サウンドメイキング) (浜田 弘之)
Dōkyūsei (NSFW) (1995, TurboGrafx CD) BGM (T's Music [浜田弘之 (ティーズミュージック)])
Dōkyūsei (NSFW) (1995, TurboGrafx CD) Recording (音声収録) (T's Music [浜田弘之 (ティーズミュージック)])
Pro Striker: Final Stage (1995, Genesis) Sound Programmer (浜田 弘之 (T's music))
Tempo (1995, SEGA 32X) Composer
Sotsugyō Bangai-hen: Nee Mahjong Shiyo! (1994, SNES) Sound Data Convert (サウンドデータコンバート) (浜田 弘之)
The Space Adventure (1994, SEGA CD) Sound Supporter
Jump Superstars (2005, Nintendo DS) Assistants (アシスタント) (濱田 浩幸)
Tetris 4D (1998, Dreamcast) Developer