🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Magnus Anteroinen

Moby ID: 72508

Credits (29 credits on 20 games)

Still Wakes the Deep (2024, Windows) Principal VFX Artists
Crayta (2020, Stadia) Principal VFX Artists
Beyond a Steel Sky (2020, iPhone) Principal VFX
Sea of Thieves (2018, Xbox One) Art
Just Cause 3 (2015, Xbox One) Art
Just Cause 3 (2015, Windows) Art
Mad Max (2015, Windows) Lighting / VFX
Bodycount (2011, Xbox 360) Central Art Team
Bodycount (2011, PlayStation 3) Central Art Team
DiRT 3 (2011, Windows) VFX Artists
DiRT 3 (2011, PlayStation 3) VFX Artists
Operation Flashpoint: Red River (2011, Windows) Visual Effects Artists
Lead and Gold: Gangs of the Wild West (2010, Windows) Additional Art
Terminator: Salvation (2009, Windows) Visual Effects
Bionic Commando (2009, PlayStation 3) Visual Effects
Terminator: Salvation (2009, PlayStation 3) Visual Effects
Wanted: Weapons of Fate (2009, PlayStation 3) FX Artists
Wanted: Weapons of Fate (2009, Xbox 360) FX Artists
Wanted: Weapons of Fate (2009, Windows) FX Artists
Bionic Commando (2009, Windows) Visual Effects
Bionic Commando: Rearmed (2008, Xbox 360) Effect Creators
Headhunter: Redemption (2004, PlayStation 2) Visual Effects
Headhunter (2002, PlayStation 2) World Modeling
Headhunter (2001, Dreamcast) World Modeling
Bionic Commando: Rearmed 2 (2011, PlayStation 3) Special Thanks to Grin
F1 2010 (2010, Windows) Thanks to
WarCraft Rumble (2023, iPad) Blizzard Development Family
Diablo IV (2023, Windows) Electric Square
Bionic Commando: Rearmed (2008, Windows) Effects Creators