🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Liu Yang

Moby ID: 724288

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Liu Yang is a programmer at Mineloader Software Co., Ltd.

Credited on 11 games

Final Fantasy X | X-2: HD Remaster (2016, Windows) Programmers
Pac-Man Museum (2014, Windows) Programmers
Pac-Man: Championship Edition DX (2013, Windows) Programmers
Flips: Mr. Gum (2010, Nintendo DS) Lead Engineer
Flips: The Adventure Series (2010, Nintendo DS) Lead Engineer
Flips: Percy Jackson (2010, Nintendo DS) Lead Engineer
Flips: Cathy Cassidy (2009, Nintendo DS) Lead Engineer
Flips: Faraway Tree Stories (2009, Nintendo DS) Lead Engineer
Flips: Too Ghoul for School (2009, Nintendo DS) Lead Engineer
Flips: Artemis Fowl (2009, Nintendo DS) Lead Engineer
Don King Boxing (2009, Nintendo DS) Programming


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