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Teoman Irmak

Moby ID: 71031

Credits (67 credits on 41 games)

Monster Trux Extreme: Offroad Edition (2005, PlayStation 2) Track Design
Heroes of the Lance (1988, DOS) Game Design and Program creation
Heroes of the Lance (1988, ZX Spectrum) Game Design and Program creation
Heroes of the Lance (1988, Amstrad CPC) Game Design and Program creation
Heroes of the Lance (1988, Atari ST) Game design and program creation
Heroes of the Lance (1989, PC-98) Programming Team
Battle Rage (2009, Wii) Art Team
Casper's Scare School (2008, PlayStation 2) Animation
Casper's Scare School (2008, PlayStation 2) Art Team
An American Tail (2007, PlayStation 2) Animation
An American Tail (2007, PlayStation 2) Art Team
Kawasaki Snowmobiles (2007, Windows) Artists
Earache Extreme Metal Racing (2007, Windows) Artists
Myth Makers: Super Kart GP (2007, PlayStation 2) Head of Animation
Living World Racing (2007, PlayStation 2) Artists
Rock 'N' Roll Adventures (2007, PlayStation 2) Animation
Rock 'N' Roll Adventures (2007, PlayStation 2) Art Team
Offroad Extreme Special Edition (2007, PlayStation 2) Artists
Earache Extreme Metal Racing (2006, PlayStation 2) Artists
Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland (2006, PlayStation 2) Animation
Myth Makers: Trixie in Toyland (2006, PlayStation 2) Art Team
Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom (2006, Windows) Head Of Animation
Casper and the Ghostly Trio (2006, PlayStation 2) Animation
Casper and the Ghostly Trio (2006, PlayStation 2) Art Team
Action Girlz Racing (2006, PlayStation 2) Head of Animation (credited as Teowoman Hermak)
Rig Racer 2 (2005, Windows) Art Team
Monster Trux Extreme: Offroad Edition (2005, PlayStation 2) Artists
Monster Trux Extreme: Offroad Edition (2005, Windows) Art Team
Anubis II (2005, PlayStation 2) Animation
Anubis II (2005, PlayStation 2) Art Team
Ninjabread Man (2005, PlayStation 2) Animation
Kidz Sports: Basketball (2005, PlayStation 2) Head of Animation
Rig Racer 2 (2005, PlayStation 2) Art Team
Monster Trux Arenas: Special Edition (2004, PlayStation 2) Artists
Myth Makers: Orbs of Doom (2004, PlayStation 2) Head of Animation
Nickelodeon Party Blast (2002, Windows) FMV Animation Director
Nickelodeon Party Blast (2002, Windows) Art
LEGO Rock Raiders (2000, PlayStation) Graphics
LEGOLAND (2000, Windows) Animation Team
LEGO Rock Raiders (1999, Windows) Artists
LEGO Rock Raiders (1999, PlayStation) Graphics
LEGO Chess (1998, Windows) Animators
Touché: The Adventures of the Fifth Musketeer (1995, DOS) Graphics by
Disney's Aladdin (1994, Amiga) Additional Graphics
Second Samurai (1994, Genesis) Graphics
Cool Spot (1994, DOS) Graphics by
Second Samurai (1993, Amiga) Graphics
Cool Spot (1993, Amiga) Graphics By
First Samurai (1992, DOS) Graphics by
First Samurai (1991, Amiga) Graphics by
First Samurai (1991, Atari ST) Graphics by
Theme Park Mystery (1990, Amiga) Graphics
Heroes of the Lance (1989, PC-98) Program Graphics
...A Personal Nightmare (1989, Amiga) Graphic Designer
Gauntlet (1987, Atari ST) Artist
Masters of the Universe: Super Adventure (1986, Commodore 64) Graphics by
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon (1985, ZX Spectrum) Art by
Gremlins: The Adventure (1985, ZX Spectrum) Artwork by
Gremlins: The Adventure (1985, Commodore 64) Artwork by
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (1985, ZX Spectrum) Artwork by
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon (1985, Amstrad CPC) Art by
Robin of Sherwood: The Touchstones of Rhiannon (1985, Commodore 64) Art by
Spider-Man (1984, Commodore 64) Artwork by
Sorcerer of Claymorgue Castle (1984, Commodore 64) Artwork by
Spider-Man (1984, ZX Spectrum) Artwork by
Tonka Monster Trucks (2001, Windows) FMV Movies
Masters of the Universe: Super Adventure (1987, ZX Spectrum) Written by