🕹️ Check out the major LABS update for the platformer Bread & Fred

Tom Carroll

Moby ID: 689958

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Credited on 10 games

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Until Dawn (2015, PlayStation 4) Functional Testers
LittleBigPlanet 3 (2014, PlayStation 3) Functional Testers
Killzone: Shadow Fall (2013, PlayStation 4) First Party QA Europe
Wonderbook: Book of Spells (2012, PlayStation 3) Functional Testers (Contract)
MotorStorm: RC (2012, PlayStation 3) Functional Testers (Contract)
WipEout 2048 (2012, PS Vita) Functional Testers
Everybody Dance (2011, PlayStation 3) Functional Testers
Killzone 3 (2011, PlayStation 3) GFPQA
White Knight Chronicles: Origins (2011, PSP) Functional Testers
White Knight Chronicles II (2010, PlayStation 3) Functional Testers

[ full credits ]


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