🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Lee Carter

Moby ID: 59664

Credits (11 credits on 9 games)

Peaky Blinders: Mastermind (2020, Windows) Artists
The Club (2008, Windows) Character Design
Project Gotham Racing 3 (2005, Xbox 360) Additional Art
Project Gotham Racing 2 (2003, Xbox) Additional City Art
Disney's Treasure Planet (2002, PlayStation 2) Additional Art
Project Gotham Racing (2001, Xbox) 2D & Front-end Art
Metropolis Street Racer (2000, Dreamcast) Car and City Textures
007: Blood Stone (2010, Windows) Development Team
007: Blood Stone (2010, Xbox 360) Development Team
Blur (2010, PlayStation 3) In alphabetical order
Blur (2010, Windows) Blur Development Team