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Hitoshi Sakimoto

aka: YmoH.S, 崎元 仁, さきもと ひとし
Moby ID: 57177

Credits (169 credits on 104 games)

Final Fantasy XIV Online: Stormblood (2017, PlayStation 4) Guest Creators: Return to Ivalice (Basiscape Co., Ltd.)
Final Fantasy XII (2006, PlayStation 2) Symphonic Poem "Hope"
Wizardry Variants Daphne (2024, iPhone) Composer
Songs of Silence (2024, Windows) Composer
Unicorn Overlord (2024, PlayStation 5) Sound Producer
Radiant Silvergun (2023, Windows) Music
GrimGrimoire OnceMore (2023, PlayStation 5) Sound Producer & Director
Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line (2023, Nintendo Switch) Original Music Composers
Tactics Ogre: Reborn (2022, PlayStation 5) Music (Basiscape Co., Ltd.)
Tactics Ogre: Reborn (2022, PlayStation 5) Sound Producer
Tactics Ogre: Reborn (2022, PlayStation 5) Director
Tactics Ogre: Reborn (2022, PlayStation 5) Recording Directors
Tactics Ogre: Reborn (2022, PlayStation 5) Orchestration, Arrangement & Mixing
Radiant Silvergun (2022, Nintendo Switch) Music
Fragrant Story (2022, Nintendo 3DS) Additional Music
Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin (2022, PlayStation 5) Original Music
Astria Ascending (2021, Nintendo Switch) Sound Producer & Director
Astria Ascending (2021, Nintendo Switch) Sound Producer & Director
Astria Ascending (2021, Nintendo Switch) Sound Producer & Director (Basiscape)
Astria Ascending (2021, Nintendo Switch) Music (Basiscape)
Astria Ascending (2021, Nintendo Switch) Ending Song "Hymn to the Arbiters in the Sky" (Music by)
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (2019, PlayStation 4) Sound Producer & Director
13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (2019, PlayStation 4) Music Composers
Valkyria Chronicles 4 (2018, Windows) Music Composer & Arrangement
Dragon's Crown Pro (2018, PlayStation 4) Sound Producer & Director
Dragon's Crown Pro (2018, PlayStation 4) Music Composer
Dragon's Crown Pro (2018, PlayStation 4) Music Producer & Director
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (2017, PlayStation 4) Music Production & Composition
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (2017, PlayStation 4) Composer
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (2017, PlayStation 4) Symphonic Poem "Hope"
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (2017, PlayStation 4) Music Production & Composition
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (2017, PlayStation 4) Music Composition and Arrangement
Battle Garegga: Rev.2016 (2016, PlayStation 4) Saturn Arranged Version Arrangers
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir (2016, PlayStation 4) Sound Director
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir (2016, PlayStation 4) Composers
Odin Sphere: Leifthrasir (2016, PlayStation 4) Compose (BASISCAPE CO. LTD.)
Zodiac: Orcanon Odyssey (2015, iPad) Audio Composer (Basiscape Co., Ltd)
Devil's Third (2015, Wii U) Basiscape Co., Ltd.
Final Fantasy Explorers (2014, Nintendo 3DS) Original Compositions by
Terra Battle (2014, iPhone) Music (Basiscape Co. Ltd.)
Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy - Curtain Call (2014, Nintendo 3DS) Original Music Composers
Dragon's Crown (2013, PlayStation 3) Sound Producer
Dragon's Crown (2013, PlayStation 3) Director
Dragon's Crown (2013, PlayStation 3) Music Composer
Crimson Shroud (2012, Nintendo 3DS) Music Composers
Crimson Shroud (2012, Nintendo 3DS) Sound Director
Theatrhythm: Final Fantasy (2012, Nintendo 3DS) Original Music Composers
Learn with Pokémon: Typing Adventure (2011, Nintendo DS) Music Supervisor
Senjō no Valkyria 3: Unrecorded Chronicles (2011, PSP) Composition & Arrangement (作曲&編曲) (崎元 仁)
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (2010, PSP) Music
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (2010, PSP) Sound Supervisor
Tactics Ogre: Let Us Cling Together (2010, PSP) Music Arrangers
Lord of Arcana (2010, PSP) Music Composed and Produced by
Valkyria Chronicles II (2010, PSP) Composition & Arrangement
Tekken 6 (2009, PSP) Composition & Arrangement (Basiscape)
Crystal Defenders R2 (2009, Wii) Original Music Composition (Basiscape)
Crystal Defenders R2 (2009, Wii) Music Production & Composition (Basiscape)
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (2009, Wii) Sound Producer
Muramasa: The Demon Blade (2009, Wii) Music
Crystal Defenders (2009, Xbox 360) Original Music Composition (Basiscape)
The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road (2008, Nintendo DS) Sound Director
The Wizard of Oz: Beyond the Yellow Brick Road (2008, Nintendo DS) Composers
Valkyria Chronicles (2008, PlayStation 3) A Love Passed On (Composition)
Valkyria Chronicles (2008, PlayStation 3) Composition & Arrangement
Opoona (2007, Wii) Music Composer & Sound Supervisor
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (2007, Nintendo DS) Music Production (Basiscape CO. LTD.)
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift (2007, Nintendo DS) Music Composition (Basiscape CO. LTD.)
Odin Sphere (2007, PlayStation 2) Composers
Odin Sphere (2007, PlayStation 2) OdinSphere's Theme - Shanachie ver Composed by (Basiscape Co. Ltd.)
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (2007, Nintendo DS) Music (Basiscape Co. Ltd.)
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (2007, Nintendo DS) Original Music Composition (Basiscape Co. Ltd.)
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings (2007, Nintendo DS) Composers (Basiscape Co. Ltd.)
GRiMgRiMoiRe (2007, PlayStation 2) Composers
GRiMgRiMoiRe (2007, PlayStation 2) Main Theme
Digimon World: Data Squad (2006, PlayStation 2) Sound Producer
Digimon World: Data Squad (2006, PlayStation 2) Music Composers
Battle B-Daman: Fire Spirits! (2006, Game Boy Advance) Sound Effects (credited as Hitoshi Sakizaki)
Battle Stadium D.O.N (2006, GameCube) Music
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street: Portable (2006, PSP) Final Fantasy Music (ファイナルファンタジー楽曲) (崎元 仁)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street: Portable (2006, PSP) "The Dalmasca Estersand" (「東ダルマスカ砂漠〜冒険の始まり〜」) (Composition) (作曲 : 崎元 仁)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street: Portable (2006, PSP) "Boss Battle" (「ボス戦」) (Composition) (作曲 : 崎元 仁)
Final Fantasy XII (2006, PlayStation 2) Music Production & Composition
Final Fantasy XII (2006, PlayStation 2) Composer
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner (2006, PSP) Composers (Basiscape)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (2004, PlayStation 2) Final Fantasy Music (ファイナルファンタジー楽曲) (崎元 仁)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (2004, PlayStation 2) "Nalbina Fortress Underground Prison" (「ナルビナ城塞地下雑居房」) (Composition) (作曲 : 崎元 仁)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (2004, PlayStation 2) "Royal City of Rabanastre" (「ラバナスタ市街地」) (Composition) (作曲 : 崎元 仁)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (2004, PlayStation 2) "Underground Arena" (「地下闘技場」) (Composition) (作曲 : 崎元 仁)
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Special (2004, PlayStation 2) "Penelo's Theme" (「パンネロのテーマ」) (Composition) (作曲 : 崎元 仁)
Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity (2004, PlayStation 2) Basiscape Inc.
Stella Deus: The Gate of Eternity (2004, PlayStation 2) Theme Song - Holy Spirit (English Ver.) (Music/Arrangement)
Gradius V (2004, PlayStation 2) Music
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (2003, Game Boy Advance) Music & Original Score (Basiscape Co. Ltd.)
Breath of Fire: Dragon Quarter (2002, PlayStation 2) Music Composer
The Pinball of the Dead (2002, Game Boy Advance) Sound Design
Tekken Advance (2001, Game Boy Advance) Audio
Legaia 2: Duel Saga (2001, PlayStation 2) Music
Block Wars (2001, PlayStation) Sound (サウンド) (崎元 仁)
Tactics Ogre: The Knight of Lodis (2001, Game Boy Advance) Sound Composer
Vagrant Story (2000, PlayStation) Music & Original Score by
Vagrant Story (2000, PlayStation) Music & Original Score by
Ogre Battle 64: Person of Lordly Caliber (1999, Nintendo 64) Music Composer
Radiant Silvergun (1998, SEGA Saturn) Music By
Radiant Silvergun (1998, Arcade) Music by
Magical Chase (1998, Windows) Music and Sound Composer (YmoH.S)
Armed Police Batrider (1998, Arcade) Music Compose (H.Sakimoto)
Bloody Roar (1997, PlayStation) Arcade Mode Game BGM Composer
Tactics Ogre (1997, PlayStation) Music Creator ('YmoH.S')
Bloody Roar (1997, Arcade) Sound Composer
Final Fantasy Tactics (1997, PlayStation) Music & Original Score by (Hitoshi "YmoH.S" Sakimoto)
Sōkyūgurentai (1997, SEGA Saturn) Music (音楽) (崎元 仁)
Tactics Ogre (1996, SEGA Saturn) Music Composed, Arranged & Produced (as Hitoshi "YmoH.S" Sakamoto)
Dragon Warrior III (1996, SNES) Sound Design
Ogre Battle (1996, SEGA Saturn) Music (as Hitoshi "YmoH.S" Sakimoto)
Thoroughbred Breeder III (1996, SNES) Sound Design (崎元 仁)
Star Platinum (NSFW) (1996, PC-98) Sound Effect (サウンドエフェクト) (YmoH.S)
Ogre Battle (1996, PlayStation) Music & Sound Effects (YmoH.S)
Chip Chan Kick! (1996, PC-FX) Music (音楽) (YmoH.S)
Chip Chan Kick! (1996, PC-FX) Sound Effects (効果音) (YmoH.S)
Chip Chan Kick! (1996, PC-FX) Music (音楽) (YmoH.S)
Kingdom Grandprix (1996, SEGA Saturn) Music Compose and S.E. (as YmoH.S)
Kingdom Grandprix (1996, SEGA Saturn) Sound (as YmoH.S)
Treasure Hunter G (1996, SNES) Music
Dragon Quest VI: Maboroshi no Daichi (1995, SNES) Sound Design
Tactics Ogre (1995, SNES) Music Composed, Arranged and Produced by ("YmoH.S")
Dragon Master Silk II (1995, PC-98) Music Compose (as Ymo H. S.)
Dragon Master Silk II (1995, PC-98) Music Driver (as Ymo H. S.)
Kyūyaku Megami Tensei: Megami Tensei I ・II (1995, SNES) Sound Composer (as YmoH. S)
Super Bomberman: Panic Bomber W (1995, SNES) Sound (YmoH.S)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: The Movie (1995, Game Boy) Sound (Hitorin)
Moldorian: Hikari to Yami no Shimai (1994, Game Gear) Music & SE
Kingdom Grandprix (1994, Arcade) Music Compose and S.E. (as YmoH.S)
Eye of the Beholder (1994, SEGA CD) Sound Effects (YmoH.S)
Side Pocket (1994, Game Gear) Sound Designer (Ymoh.HS)
Shin Megami Tensei (1993, TurboGrafx CD) Sound (YmoH.S)
Super Back to the Future Part II (1993, SNES) Sound Arrange
Ogre Battle (1993, SNES) Music Composed By (YmoH.S)
Gauntlet IV (1993, Genesis) Music Arrange & Compose
Gauntlet IV (1993, Genesis) Music Composer
Dragon Master Silk: Ryū Shōkan Musume - Episode II (1992, PC-98) Music Driver (as YmoH.S)
King Salmon: The Big Catch (1992, Genesis) Sound (YmoH.S)
Death Bringer (1992, SEGA CD) Sound (サウンド) (崎元 仁)
Dragons of Flame (1992, NES) Music
Dragons of Flame (1992, PC-98) Music (aka YmoH.S)
7 Colors (1992, PC-98) Sounds (YmoH.S)
Devilish: The Next Possession (1992, Genesis) Sound (YmoH.S)
Captain America and the Avengers (1992, Genesis) Sound (Ymoh. S)
Magical Chase (1991, TurboGrafx-16) Music (YmoH.S)
Magical Chase (1991, TurboGrafx-16) Sound (Ymoh.S)
Gdleen (1991, SNES) Arrangement
Gdleen (1991, SNES) Music Composition
Verytex (1991, Genesis) Music Designer (YMOH.S)
Verytex (1991, Genesis) Sound Designer (YMOH.S)
Midnight Resistance (1991, Genesis) Sound (YmoH.S)
Master of Monsters (1991, Genesis) Sound
Cyberblock Metal Orange (NSFW) (1990, PC-88) Sound Effect (as YMOH.S)
Cyberblock Metal Orange (NSFW) (1990, PC-88) Music Arrange (as YMOH.S)
Bubble Ghost (1990, Game Boy) Composer (YmoH S.)
Heroes of the Lance (1990, FM Towns) Music Arranger (as YmoH.S)
Daisenryaku (1988, NES) Music Composer (uncredited)
Starship Rendezvous (NSFW) (1988, PC-88) Audio Work (as Ymo H.S)
Starship Rendezvous (NSFW) (1988, MSX) Audio Work (as Ymo H.S)
Z.H.P. Unlosing Ranger VS Darkdeath Evilman (2022, Windows) Special Thanks
Super Neptunia RPG (2018, PlayStation 4) Artisan Studios would like to thank for their help & support
Raiden V: Director's Cut (2017, Windows) Special Thanks (Basiscape Co. Ltd.)
Final Fantasy XV (2016, PlayStation 4) Special Thanks
Raiden V (2016, Xbox One) Special Thanks (Basiscape Co. Ltd.)
Chip Chan Kick! (1996, PC-FX) Special Thanks (スペシャルサンクス) (崎元 仁)
Cyberblock Metal Orange (NSFW) (1993, Sharp X68000) Special Thanks (as YmoH.S)