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Chris Borders

Moby ID: 5443

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Chris Borders is the CEO of TikiMan Productions, Inc., an industry leading voiceover production company, responsible for voiceover production on many critically acclaimed videogame titles over the last sixteen + years.

Chris started working in videogames back in the early 1990’s for Interplay Productions in Irvine, California. Chris formed TikiMan Productions, Inc. in 2002, and has been providing ‘cutting-edge’ voiceover production for the interactive industry ever since.

Some of TikiMan Productions, Inc. clients include the following… Electronic Arts, Microsoft, Activision, BioWare, Codemasters, Eidos Ltd. D3 Publishing, Namco, and Ubisoft, just to name a few.

Credited on 162 games

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Death Stranding: Director's Cut (2022, Windows) Additional Voice Direction
Gears 5: Hivebusters (2020, Windows) Casting
Fast & Furious: Crossroads (2020, Windows) Voice Directors
Crucible (2020, Windows) Voice Over Director
Death Stranding (2019, PlayStation 4) Additional Voice Direction
Gears 5 (2019, Xbox One) Casting / Voice Talent Supervision
LawBreakers (2017, PlayStation 4) VO Services
Planescape: Torment - Enhanced Edition (2017, Windows) VO Editors
Horizon: Zero Dawn (2017, PlayStation 4) Outsource Media Ltd
Gears of War 4 (2016, Xbox One) Casting & Voice Over Direction
Forza Motorsport 6: Apex (2016, Windows Apps) Director
World of WarCraft: Legion (2016, Windows) Additional Voice Direction
ADR1FT (2016, Windows) Contract Development
StarCraft II: Legacy of the Void (2015, Windows) Additional Voice Direction
Gears of War: Ultimate Edition (2015, Xbox One) Voice Casting Director
Onechanbara Z II: Chaos (Banana Split Limited Edition) (2015, PlayStation 4) English Voice Director
Onechanbara Z II: Chaos (2015, PlayStation 4) English Voice Director
Heroes of the Storm (2015, Windows) Voice Over Recording - English
Bravely Second: End Layer (2015, Nintendo 3DS) Casting & Dialog Director
Icewind Dale: Enhanced Edition (2014, Linux) VO Supervision and Editing

[ full credits ]


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