🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Eijirō Nakagawa

aka: Eijiro Nakagawa
Moby ID: 485161

Credits (40 credits on 36 games)

Romancing SaGa 2: Revenge of the Seven (2024, Nintendo Switch) Trombone (credited as Eijiro Nakagawa)
Stellar Blade (2024, PlayStation 5) Trombone (as Eijiro Nakagawa)
Granblue Fantasy: Relink (2024, Windows) Trombone (as Eijiro Nakagawa)
Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line (2023, Nintendo Switch) Trombone
Bayonetta 3 (2022, Nintendo Switch) Trombone
Triangle Strategy (2022, Nintendo Switch) Trombone
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron HD Remaster (2021, Windows) Trombone (credited as Eijiro Nakagawa)
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis (2021, Windows) Trombone (as Eijiro Nakagawa)
Phantasy Star Online 2: New Genesis (2021, Windows Apps) Trombone (as Eijiro Nakagawa)
One Piece: Pirate Warriors 4 (2020, PlayStation 4) Trombones
Romance of the Three Kingdoms XIV (2020, Windows) Trombone
Code Vein (2019, Windows) Trombone
One Piece: World Seeker (2019, Windows) Trombone
World of Final Fantasy: Maxima (2018, Nintendo Switch) Trombone
428: Shibuya Scramble (2018, PlayStation 4) Performances (Trombones)
Super Mario Odyssey (2017, Nintendo Switch) Trombone
Gundam Versus (2017, PlayStation 4) Trombone (as Eijiro Nakagawa)
Final Fantasy XIV Online: Stormblood (2017, Windows) Trombone
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild (2017, Nintendo Switch) Trombone
Gravity Rush 2 (2017, PlayStation 4) Trombones
World of Final Fantasy (2016, PlayStation 4) Trombone
God Eater 2: Rage Burst (2016, Windows) Trombone
Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius (2016, Android) Trombone
Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius (2016, Android) Trombone
Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence - Ascension (2016, Windows) Trombone
Final Fantasy XIV Online: Heavensward (2015, Windows) Trombone
Final Fantasy XIV Online: Heavensward (2015, PlayStation 4) Trombone
God Eater 2: Rage Burst (2015, PlayStation 4) Trombone [2]
Ace Combat: Assault Horizon - Legacy+ (2015, Nintendo 3DS) Trombone
Nobunaga's Ambition: Sphere of Influence (2015, PlayStation 4) Trombone
One Piece: Unlimited World R (2014, PlayStation 3) Trombone
Mario Kart 8 (2014, Wii U) Oboe (中川 英二郎)
One Piece: Unlimited World R (2013, Nintendo 3DS) Trombone
The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (2011, Wii) Trombone Solo
El Shaddai: Ascension of the Metatron (2011, Xbox 360) Trombone
Ace Combat: Joint Assault (2010, PSP) Trombone
Kessen III (2004, PlayStation 2) Trb.
Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space (2003, PlayStation 2) Sound Team
Goemon: Mononoke Sugoroku (1999, Nintendo 64) Trombone Player (トロンボーンプレーヤー) (なかがわ えいじろう [by courtesy of KING RECORDS])
The Granstream Saga (1997, PlayStation) Trombone