Tim Borrelli
Timothy Borelli,
Tim Borelli
Moby ID: 47874
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From Volition's web site:
"There was once this guy named Tim Borrelli. Hailing from the ONLY city you can call, "The City", this former New Yorker moved to Champaign, Illinois, after visiting and being hypnotized by the winds of the midwest (this also caused him to lose his NY accent). He graduated from Syracuse University, where he developed and opened Timmyland, the theme park of which he is now the supreme ruler. Upon his arrival at Volition, he made a name for himself with the infamous "Corona Squirt" incident at a nearby pool hall. Unbeknownst to the rest of the Volition team, Tim is also a character animator. Soon they will find out, and it will all fall into place. Excellent."
Credited on 19 games
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The Last Clockwinder (2022, Windows) | Additional Animation |
Myst (2021, Windows) | Animator |
Drake Hollow (2020, Windows) | Animation |
Rocket Arena (2020, Windows) | Additional Art |
Quarantine Circular (2018, Windows) | Animation |
Subsurface Circular (2017, Windows) | Animation |
Scribblenauts Unmasked: A DC Comics Adventure (2013, Windows) | Lead Animation Supervisor |
Scribblenauts Unlimited (2012, Windows) | Special Thanks |
Hybrid (2012, Xbox 360) | Lead Animator |
Saints Row: The Third (2011, Xbox 360) | Additional Technical Art |
Red Faction: Armageddon (2011, Windows) | Additional Artists |
Super Scribblenauts (2010, Nintendo DS) | 5TH Cell Special Thanks |
Saints Row 2 (2009, Windows) | Animation Coordinator |
The Incredibles: Rise of the Underminer (2006, Nintendo DS) | 3DSMax Scripting |
Saints Row (2006, Xbox 360) | Animation Coordinator |
Red Faction II (2002, PlayStation 2) | Animators |
Summoner 2 (2002, PlayStation 2) | Animators |
Red Faction (2001, PlayStation 2) | Animators |
Summoner (2000, PlayStation 2) | Animators |
[ full credits ]
Frequent Collaborators
People- 8 games with Michael Kulas
- 8 games with Jason Scott
- 8 games with Kirk Somdal
- 8 games with Lorcan Murphy
- 7 games with Dan Wentz
- 7 games with Susanne Dieck
- 7 games with Bernd Kurtz
- 7 games with Rory Prendergast
- 6 games with Mark Muller
- 6 games with Richard Jones
- 14 games with Valve Corporation
- 9 games with THQ Inc.
- 8 games with Deep Silver Volition, LLC
- 7 games with THQ Entertainment GmbH
- 5 games with Epic Games Tools LLC
- 4 games with Havok
- 4 games with THQ France
- 4 games with 5TH Cell Media, LLC
- 4 games with GOG Limited
- 3 games with THQ (UK) Limited
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