Edward Moser
Ed Moser
Moby ID: 473132
Credits (8 credits on 7 games)
- by Role
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Quality Assurance | |
Clash of the Titans: The Videogame (2010, Xbox 360) | Quality Assurance Testers |
Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Heroes 3 (2010, PSP) | Quality Assurance Testers |
Dead to Rights: Retribution (2010, PlayStation 3) | QA Testers |
Dead to Rights: Retribution (2010, Xbox 360) | QA Testers |
Dragon Ball: Raging Blast (2009, Xbox 360) | QA Testers |
Tekken 6 (2009, PlayStation 3) | Testers |
Dragon Ball Z: Attack of the Saiyans (2009, Nintendo DS) | QA Testers |
Brain Assist (2007, Nintendo DS) | Testers |