Yoshirō Takeshita
Yoshiro Takeshita,
Yoshirou Takeshita,
武下 善郎
Moby ID: 472139
Frequent Collaborators (People)
MobyPro Early Access
Yoshirō Takeshita has been credited on 12 games with 487 people, including: Yasuhiro Fukushima, Sadao Yahagi, Kenjiro Kano, Hideki Yamamoto, and Hirofumi Kuroda.
Displaying top 5 by number of games collaborated on:
- #1) 10 games with Yasuhiro Fukushima
- #2) 10 games with Sadao Yahagi
- #3) 10 games with Kenjiro Kano
- #4) 9 games with Hideki Yamamoto
- #5) 9 games with Hirofumi Kuroda
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