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Will McBurnett

Moby ID: 4625

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Will McBurnett got his job at Origin Systems straight out of college, after porting Ultima VI to Macintosh, along with Phil Sulak and Brendan Segraves. He worked as a library coder on Ultima VII and Strike Commander, before becoming Project Director for Pacific Strike. His love of flight simulation led him to work for Andy Hollis, where he produced the Jane's Longbow series of PC titles.

After leaving the game industry, Will worked as a defense contractor, leading teams that used game technology for clients such as DARPA, the US Air Force, and SOCOM. These projects included simulations, wargames, virtual testbeds, and neuroscience training applications.

Will is, as of September 2021, the VP of Engineering for HookBang, a boutique software development firm, founded by ex-gamers and doing commercial and government R&D, focused on Computer Vision and Assistive Reality.

Credited on 7 games

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Jane's Combat Simulations: Longbow 2 (1997, Windows) Producer
Jane's Combat Simulations: AH-64D Longbow (1996, DOS) Director
Jane's Combat Simulations: AH-64D Longbow - Flash Point Korea (1996, DOS) AH-64D Longbow Project Diretor
Pacific Strike (1994, DOS) Lead Programming
Ultima VII: Part Two - The Silver Seed (1993, DOS) Guest Coders
Strike Commander (1993, DOS) Library Code
Ultima VII: The Black Gate (1992, DOS) Programming

[ full credits ]

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