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Josh Martel

Moby ID: 45857

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Atari BASIC, Byte magazine, a four-foot stack of NES games, homebrew D&D.


From IBM XT clone to Pentium 100. From text adventures and BBSs to Quake and Teh Intarweb. From "teach yourself C" books to writing C code all the time. I worked on some small Doom/Heretic/Quake editing utilities, some mildly successful Quake mods, some mildly unsuccessful Quake mission packs, commercial Quake front-ends, helped kick-start machinima with Operation:Bayshield (which I now violently cringe at), rendered a few wireframe meshes in mode 13h, made the LEDs on my keyboard blink, cheated in games I didn't really care to cheat in just because it was fun to hack savegames and EXEs, wrote a war-dialer and never used it, and generally soaked up and regurgitated every bit of information I could find. I helped create a small startup company to make a Quake mod, made said Quake mod, then buried said company and Quake mod.
... lived in dirty 3-bedroom house with 6 to 8 other people because it meant I could program and play games all day.
... lived in a friend's art studio because it meant I could program and play games all day.
... worked various crappy side jobs because it meant I could program and play games part of the day at least.

Somehow I never got tired of it.


I finally got my first "real job" at Ion Storm working on Tom Hall's Anachronox. I was there for about three years and it was an incredible experience. After Ion went under, I was lazy for a while. You know... playing games and programming. Some other stuff happened. Eventually I worked at Monkeystone Games, worked on a few mobile-phone games that never shipped, and worked on Hyperspace Delivery Boy, which did ship.

After I left Monkeystone, I was lazy for a while. Some other stuff happened. Eventually I worked at Ritual Entertainment, where I helped ship Star Trek: Elite Force II, Sin Episodes: Emergence, and a few other things. I was there for about four years.

Then I spent a year in Austin, which is a great place to live. After chasing a fool dream of working in audio design, I found the now-defunct Fizz Factor, where I helped ship WWE SmackDown vs. Raw 2008 on the DS and generally had a great time.

Now you can find me at Escalation Studios.

Credited on 20 games

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Doom + Doom II (2024, Windows) Level Design
Please, Don't Touch Anything 3D (2016, Windows) Programmers
Disney Infinity (2013, Windows) Core Technology
Midway Arcade (2012, iPad) Escalation Studios
Rage (2011, Windows) Additional Online Work
Everyday Genius: SquareLogic (2009, Windows) Playtesting
Doom Resurrection (2009, iPhone) Team
Samba de Amigo (2008, Wii) Senior Programming
Depths of Peril (2008, Macintosh) Sound Effects
WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2008 (2007, Nintendo DS) Programmers
SiN Episodes: Emergence (2006, Windows) Programming
25 to Life (2006, Xbox) Programmers
Counter-Strike: Condition Zero (2004, Windows) Ritual Entertainment
Counter-Strike (2003, Xbox) Programming
Star Trek: Elite Force II (2003, Windows) Additional Programming
Hyperspace Delivery Boy! (2002, Windows) LUA Programmer
Anachronox (2001, Windows) Programmers
X-Men: The Ravages of Apocalypse (1997, DOS) Sounds
H!Zone (1996, DOS) Levels made with utilities by
Final Doom (1996, DOS) Level Designers

[ full credits ]


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