🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Taisuke Satō

aka: Taisuke Satoh, 佐藤 太亮
Moby ID: 453519

Credits (16 credits on 13 games)

Metal Max Returns (1995, SNES) Arrange-Staff
Fire Pro Wrestling World (2017, Windows) Wrestler Graphic Design
Samurai Shodown V (2003, Arcade) Characters (人物)
Tengai Makyō II: Manjimaru (2003, PlayStation 2) Map & Character Design (マップ/キャラクタデザイン) (佐藤 太亮)
Tengai Makyō II: Manjimaru (2003, GameCube) Map & Character Design (マップ/キャラクタデザイン) (佐藤 太亮)
Cardcaptor Sakura: Itsumo Sakura-chan to Issho (1999, Game Boy Color) Graphics (グラフィック) (さとう たいすけ)
Tantei Jingūji Saburō: Yume no Owari ni (1998, SEGA Saturn) Graphics Director (グラフィックディレクター) (佐藤 太亮)
Tantei Jingūji Saburō: Yume no Owari ni (1998, PlayStation) Graphics Director (グラフィックディレクター) (佐藤 太亮)
Tantei Jingūji Saburō: Mikan no Rupo (1996, PlayStation) Graphics (グラフィック) (佐藤 太亮)
Metal Max Returns (1995, SNES) Graphics
SimEarth: The Living Planet (1993, TurboGrafx CD) Intro Graphics
Dragon Slayer: The Legend of Heroes II (1992, TurboGrafx CD) Visual Demos (ビジュアル・デモ) (佐藤 太亮)
Doraemon: Nobita no Dorabian Night (1992, TurboGrafx CD) Designers (デザイナー) (佐藤 太亮)
Tengai Makyō II: Manjimaru (1992, TurboGrafx CD) Map/Character Design (マップ/キャラクタデザイン) (佐藤 太亮)
Seiryū Densetsu Monbit (1991, TurboGrafx CD) Designers (デザイナー) (佐藤 太亮)
Side Pocket 3: 3D Polygon Billiard Game (1997, SEGA Saturn) Special Thanks (スペシャルサンクス) (佐藤 太亮)