Mike Button
Moby ID: 431505
BiographyBiographies should be written in the third person even if the developer is adding the bio. They should not contain a list of game credits as that's what the site is for! Credit listings are generated based on verified game credits.
Don't list time notions such as "for 10 years" or "3 months ago" as these are time-relative. Use fixed dates such as "since 2005" instead.
Photo- Include at least the year as to when the photo was taken (e.g., circa 2003).
- The person's name alone is not allowed, that's self evident from their profile.
- When multiple people are in a single picture, include notions such as "left", "second from the right" to point to the correct developer.
Sites directly related to the person in question (not just a company they work for) may be added as related sites. The following are examples of acceptable sites, and suggested titles and descriptions:
- Personal Website (Website Title - personal website)
- LinkedIn (LinkedIn - professional profile)
- Twitter (@AccountName - Twitter account)
- Facebook (Name Surname - Facebook profile)
- Wikipedia (Article Title - Wikipedia article)
- IMDb (Name Surname - IMDb profile)
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