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Alexander Zukowsky

aka: Alexandre Zukowsky
Moby ID: 397229

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Credited on 26 games

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The Callisto Protocol (2022, Windows) Quality Assurance
Rocket League: Sideswipe (2021, Android) Enzyme
Hell Let Loose (2021, Xbox Series) A special thank you to the following for their work at Team17 Digital Ltd.:
Age of Empires II: Definitive Edition (2019, Windows) Enzyme
Indivisible (2019, PlayStation 4) Functionality Lead Tester
Overkill's The Walking Dead (2018, Windows) Lead Testers
Ys Origin (2017, PlayStation 4) Testers
Sniper Elite 4: Italia (2017, PlayStation 4) Functional Testers
Dead Rising 2 (2016, PlayStation 4) Testers
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (2016, PlayStation 4) Functionality Testers
Mad Max (2015, Windows) Enzyme QA
The Long Dark (2014, Windows) Functionality Testers
Batman: Arkham Origins - Cold, Cold Heart (2014, Windows) FQA Testers
Lost Planet 3 (2013, PlayStation 3) Functionality Testers
Age of Empires II: HD Edition (2013, Windows) Enzyme
SOCOM 4: U.S. Navy SEALs (2011, PlayStation 3) Enzyme Testing Labs: Testers
PlayStation Move Heroes (2011, PlayStation 3) Functionality Testers
Dead Rising 2: Off the Record (2011, Windows) Functionality Testers
Dead Rising 2 (2010, PlayStation 3) Testers
Star Wars: Battlefront - Elite Squadron (2009, PSP) Testers

[ full credits ]

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