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Michał Dębek

Moby ID: 379424

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As the co-founder, and CEO at Try Evidence, he leads a team of psychologists and gaming professionals specializing in UX/CX research, playtests, biofeedback, silent reviews, game rank predictions, industry research, and quantitative surveys on global gamers. Michal has had a diverse career journey, including founding the Consumer Psychology specialization as an assistant professor at the University of Wrocław Institute of Psychology in the 2010s and spearheading marketing at Techland in the 2000s. At Try Evidence, his main focus is analyzing player preferences, tracking gaming culture trends, and conducting strategic market analyses. He aims to provide peace of mind, fresh ideas, and a reality check to a wide range of clients, from investors and indie studios to AAA developers or publishers.

An expert in market research and marketing with over two decades of professional experience. He holds a Ph.D. in Psychology and a CIM diploma in Marketing.

Credited on 16 games

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Silent Hill 2 (2024, PlayStation 5) CEO
Frostpunk 2 (2024, Windows) Try Evidence
Creatures of Ava (2024, Xbox Series) Senior Managing Partner
The Thaumaturge (2024, Windows) CEO
The Invincible (2023, Windows) Head of Research
Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty (2023, Xbox Series) Head of Market Research & Analysis
Gord (2023, Xbox Series) CEO
Layers of Fear (2023, Windows) Head of Research
Loud (2023, Windows) Feedback and Testing
Inkulinati (2023, Windows) Head of Market Research & Analysis
The Medium (2021, Windows) Try Evidence
Cyberpunk 2077 (2020, Windows) Head of Research
Elderborn (2018, Windows) TryEvidence
Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood (2009, Windows) Director of Marketing
Speedway Liga (2009, Windows) Marketing
FIM Speedway Grand Prix 3 (2008, Windows) Marketing

[ full credits ]


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