JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: All-Star Battle R (2022, Nintendo Switch)
Casting Assistance |
Captain Tsubasa: Rise of New Champions (2020, Windows)
Production Assistants |
Katana Kami: A Way of the Samurai Story (2020, PlayStation 4)
Voice Casting Management |
AI: The Somnium Files (2019, Windows)
Casting Management |
AI: The Somnium Files (2019, PlayStation 4)
Casting Management |
Jump Force (2019, PlayStation 4)
Production Assistant |
Dragon Marked for Death: Advanced Attackers (2019, Nintendo Switch)
Casting Manager (Mausu Promotion) |
Class of Heroes: Anniversary Edition (2018, Nintendo Switch)
Casting Management |
Dragon's Crown Pro (2018, PlayStation 4)
Casting Coordinators |
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (2017, Windows)
Voice Casting Management |
Zero Escape: The Nonary Games (2017, Windows)
Casting Management |
Zero Time Dilemma (2016, Windows)
Casting Management |
Zero Time Dilemma (2016, Nintendo 3DS)
Casting Management |
Dragon's Crown (2013, PlayStation 3)
Casting Coordinators |
Zero Escape: Volume 2 - Virtue's Last Reward (2012, Nintendo 3DS)
Casting Management |
Wizardry: Labyrinth of Lost Souls (2009, PlayStation 3)
Casting Management |
Way of the Samurai 3 (2008, PlayStation 3)
Casting Management |
Higurashi Daybreak (2008, PSP)
Casting Manager (キャスティングマネージャー) (Mausu Promotion) (白川 大樹 (マウスプロモーション)) |
Kamiwaza: Way of the Thief (2006, PlayStation 2)
Casting Support (キャスティング協力) (白川 大樹) |