Fabio Sticca
Moby ID: 309177
Frequent Collaborators (Companies)
MobyPro Early Access
Fabio Sticca has been credited on 12 games with 37 companies, including: TT Games Studios Ltd., Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc., Valve Corporation, ak tronic Software & Services GmbH, and Computer Games Distribution, s.r.o..
Displaying top 5 by number of games collaborated on:
- #1) 6 games developed by TT Games Studios Ltd.
- #2) 5 games published by Warner Bros. Interactive Entertainment Inc.
- #3) 5 games distributed by Valve Corporation
- #4) 4 games published by ak tronic Software & Services GmbH
- #5) 3 games localized by, distributed by Computer Games Distribution, s.r.o.
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