Masato Kaida
Moby ID: 282742
Wanted: We need a MobyGames approved biography!
Contribute Biography
The Sims 2: Ultimate Collection (2014, Windows) | CS Self Service |
The Sims 2: Mansion & Garden Stuff (2008, Windows) | CS Self Service |
Battlefield 2142: Booster Pack - Northern Strike (2007, Windows) | Battlefield 2142 Customer Service Team |
Frequent Collaborators
People- 3 games with David Jordan
- 3 games with Jason Collins
- 3 games with Morten Skovgaard
- 3 games with Mike Kushner
- 3 games with Jay Blincoe
- 3 games with Ryan Jacobson
- 3 games with Conrad Leiden
- 3 games with Sky Lin
- 3 games with Krispol Jaijongrak
- 3 games with Erik Jackson
- 3 games with Electronic Arts, Inc.
- 2 games with SoftClub
- 2 games with Electronic Arts GmbH
- 2 games with Electronic Arts Czech...
- 2 games with Electronic Arts Ltd.
- 2 games with Electronic Arts LLC
- 1 game with Tose Software (HangZhou) Co., Ltd.
- 1 game with Electronic Arts Polska Sp. z o.o.
- 1 game with Sony DADC Europe GmbH
- 1 game with rain productions GmbH & Co. KG
[ 6 more companies ]
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