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Rick E. White

aka: Rick White, Rich White
Moby ID: 26833

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Rick White started in the industry in 1988, working on Pool of Radiance for Strategic Simulations, Inc. on the PC. He worked at SSI on numerous strategy games (Fantasy General, Panzer General 3D, People's General, Dark Colony, War Wind, etc), and role-playing games (Dark Sun, Stone Prophet, several Gold Box games) through the 90’s. He was the Design Lead of the eventually unreleased Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse at 3DO, and after 3DO’s demise went to work with Volition on The Punisher. He is currently a producer at the studio.

Credited on 51 games

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Red Faction: Guerrilla - Re-Mars-tered (2018, Windows) Producer
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West - Premium Edition (2013, Windows) Senior Producer
Inversion (2012, PlayStation 3) Special Thanks
Ridge Racer: Unbounded (2012, Windows) Special Thanks to
Saints Row: The Third (2011, Xbox 360) Additional Production
Enslaved: Odyssey to the West (2010, PlayStation 3) Senior Producer
Red Faction: Guerrilla (2009, Xbox 360) Producer
Saints Row 2 (2009, Windows) Special Thanks
Cooking Mama: Cook Off (2007, Wii) Text Translator
Cooking Mama (2006, Nintendo DS) Text Translator
The Punisher (2005, Windows) Producer
Gary Grigsby's World at War (2005, Windows) Playtesters
Pool of Radiance: Ruins of Myth Drannor (2001, Windows) Special Thanks
Earth 2150 (2000, Windows) Special Thanks
Panzer General III: Scorched Earth (2000, Windows) Special Thanks
Panzer General 3D Assault (1999, Windows) Producer
Warhammer 40,000: Rites of War (1999, Windows) Special Thanks
Imperialism II: The Age of Exploration (1999, Macintosh) Special thanks to many others at SSI and Mindscape Entertainment that all contributed to make IMPERIALISM II: AGE OF EXPLORATION such a great product and project to work on:
Close Combat: The Battle of the Bulge (1999, Windows) Producers
Return to Krondor (1998, Windows) Sound Design, Editing and Engineering

[ full credits ]

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