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Elyse Regan

Moby ID: 239974

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Credited on 30 games

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LEGO Star Wars: The Complete Saga (2013, iPhone) Studio Coordinator
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed II (2010, PlayStation 3) Production Manager
Monkey Island 2: LeChuck's Revenge - Special Edition (2010, Windows) Associate PM, Shared Resources
Star Wars: Battlefront - Elite Squadron (2009, Nintendo DS) Studio Operations Coordinator
Star Wars: Battlefront - Elite Squadron (2009, PSP) Studio Operations Coordinator
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed - Ultimate Sith Edition (2009, Windows) Studio Assistant
Lucidity (2009, Windows) Associate Production Manager
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes (2009, Nintendo DS) Associate Production Manager
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Republic Heroes (2009, Windows) Studio Operations Coordinator
The Secret of Monkey Island: Special Edition (2009, Windows) Associate PM, Shared Resources
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (2009, PSP) Studio Coordinator
Indiana Jones and the Staff of Kings (2009, Wii) Studio Operations Coordinator
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Lightsaber Duels (2008, Wii) Studio Operations Coordinator
Star Wars: The Clone Wars - Jedi Alliance (2008, Nintendo DS) Special Thanks
Fracture (2008, PlayStation 3) Studio Operations Coordinator
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (2008, Wii) Studio Coordinator
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (2008, PlayStation 2) Studio Coordinator
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (2008, PlayStation 3) Studio Assistant
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed (2008, Nintendo DS) Studio Coordinator
LEGO Indiana Jones: The Original Adventures (2008, Nintendo DS) Studio Coordinator

[ full credits ]


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