Enrico Ghira

Moby ID: 238137

Credits (20 credits on 20 games)

Quality Assurance
Killzone 3 (2011, PlayStation 3) SNE Online Delivery & OPO
LittleBigPlanet 2 (2011, PlayStation 3) Test Team
Buzz! Quiz Player (2010, PlayStation 3) Online Project Office
Dead Nation (2010, PlayStation 3) Test Team
The Fight: Lights Out (2010, PlayStation 3) Test Team
Gravity Crash: Portable (2010, PSP) Online Project Office
Heavy Rain (2010, PlayStation 3) Online Project Office
Gravity Crash (2009, PlayStation 3) Online Project Office
Buzz! Brain of the UK (2009, PlayStation 3) Online Project Office
LittleBigPlanet (2008, PlayStation 3) Online Project Office
Final Fantasy III (2006, Nintendo DS) Editors / QA Coordinators
Children of Mana (2006, Nintendo DS) QA Coordinators (Italian)
Final Fantasy II (2005, Game Boy Advance) Italian QA Team
Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King (2004, PlayStation 2) Italian QA Team
Public Relations
Crash Commando (2008, PlayStation 3) Moderation Team
WipEout HD (2008, PlayStation 3) PlayStation Network Community Team - Italian
Buzz! Quiz TV (2008, PlayStation 3) PLAYSTATION®Network Moderation Team
Twisted Metal (2012, PlayStation 3) Special Thanks
PlayStation Move: Ape Escape (2011, PlayStation 3) SCEE Special Thanks
Killzone 2 (2009, PlayStation 3) SCEE Online Delivery