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Clive Gratton

aka: Clive Gratto
Moby ID: 23356

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Credited on 12 games

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Halo Wars 2 (2017, Xbox One) Technical Director
Alien: Isolation (2014, Windows) Lead Programmer
Viking: Battle for Asgard (2012, Windows) Lead Programmer
Spartan: Total Warrior (2005, PlayStation 2) Project Lead (and Design)
Rugby (2001, PlayStation 2) Lead Programmer
AFL 99 (1999, Windows) Game Programming
ICC Cricket World Cup England 99 (1999, Windows) Display Programming
AFL '98 (1998, Windows) Game Programming
International Rugby League (1996, DOS) Programmers
Rugby World Cup 95 (1995, DOS) Programming
Microcosm (1994, DOS) Programming
FIFA International Soccer (1994, DOS) Programmers

[ full credits ]

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