Kenji Nemoto
根本 賢二
Moby ID: 212502
Frequent Collaborators (People)
Kenji Nemoto has been credited on 6 games with 209 people, including: Koichi Nakamura, Tadashi Fukuzawa, Kazuya Asano, Seiichiro Nagahata, and Hidefumi Itano.
Displaying top 5 by number of games collaborated on:
- #1) 4 games with Koichi Nakamura
- #2) 4 games with Tadashi Fukuzawa
- #3) 4 games with Kazuya Asano
- #4) 4 games with Seiichiro Nagahata
- #5) 4 games with Hidefumi Itano
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