🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Craig O'Hanlon

Moby ID: 206861

Credits (13 credits on 11 games)

Quality Assurance
Athens 2004 (2004, PlayStation 2) Testers
The Getaway: Black Monday (2004, PlayStation 2) QA Testers
Need for Speed: Payback (2017, Windows) IT Service Specialist
Forza Horizon (2012, Xbox 360) IT Infrastructure
The Club (2008, Windows) IT Engineers
Project Gotham Racing 4 (2007, Xbox 360) IT Engineer
Destruction AllStars (2021, PlayStation 5) Lucid Games Ltd.
Geometry Wars 3: Dimensions - Evolved (2014, Windows) Lucid Games
PlayStation Vita Pets: Puppy Parlour (2014, Android) Lucid Games
007: Blood Stone (2010, Windows) Development Team
007: Blood Stone (2010, Xbox 360) Development Team
Blur (2010, PlayStation 3) In alphabetical order
Blur (2010, Windows) Blur Development Team