Rob Walden
Moby ID: 199377
Wanted: We need a MobyGames approved biography!
Contribute Biography
Credited on 4 games
Age of Empires III: Definitive Edition (2020, Windows) | Art |
New Super Lucky's Tale (2019, Nintendo Switch) | Outsourced Art |
Age of Empires Online (2011, Windows) | Robot Entertainment |
Age of Empires III (2005, Windows) | Art |
Frequent Collaborators
People- 4 games with David P. Kubalak
- 4 games with Juan R. Martinez
- 4 games with Wallace H. Wachi Jr.
- 4 games with Dion A. Hopkins
- 3 games with Gene Kohler Jr.
- 3 games with Paul D. Bettner
- 3 games with Bryan A. Hehmann
- 3 games with Randy Pagulayan
- 3 games with Courtney L
- 3 games with David Lau
- 3 games with Epic Games Tools LLC
- 3 games with Xbox Game Studios
- 3 games with Microsoft Corporation
- 2 games with Havok
- 2 games with Ensemble Studios Corporation
- 2 games with Experis
- 2 games with Valve Corporation
- 2 games with Audiokinetic Inc.
- 1 game with Volt Information Services, Inc.
- 1 game with Smarte Solutions, Inc.
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