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Martin Walker

Moby ID: 1992

Credits (98 credits on 53 games)

Hunter's Moon (1987, Commodore 64) Game Design
Back to the Future (1986, Commodore 64) Game Design by
Back to the Future (1986, Amstrad CPC) Game Design by
Back to the Future (1986, ZX Spectrum) Game design by
Chameleon (1986, Commodore 64) Design by
Citadel (1989, Commodore 64) By
Hunter's Moon (1987, Commodore 64) Coding
Back to the Future (1986, Commodore 64) Written by
Back to the Future (1986, Amstrad CPC) Written by
Rupert and the Toymaker's Party (1985, Commodore 64) By
Hunter's Moon (1987, Commodore 64) Graphics
Chameleon (1986, Commodore 64) Graphics by
Platypus (2002, Windows) Level Boss Music 2: "Armalyte"
Earthworm Jim (1997, SEGA Master System) Sound
Cutthroat Island (1996, Game Boy) Music and Sound FX conversion
Street Racer (1996, Game Boy) Music and Sound effects
Mortal Kombat 3 (1995, Game Boy) Music
Earthworm Jim (1995, Game Boy) Sound
Pinball Fantasies (1995, Game Boy) Sound
Saban's VR Troopers (1995, Genesis) Audio Compositions
Saban's VR Troopers (1995, Genesis) Programming
Arena: Maze of Death (1995, Game Gear) Music Driver
Sports Trivia: Championship Edition (1995, Game Gear) Music by
Cutthroat Island (1995, Game Gear) Music and Sound FX conversion
Sports Trivia (1995, Game Gear) Music by
Waterworld (1995, Game Boy) Sound Driver by
Earthworm Jim (1995, Game Gear) Sound
Saban's VR Troopers (1995, Game Gear) Music and Sound
Pinball Mania (1995, Amiga) Music and sound effects
Flink (1994, Genesis) Sound Driver
Pinball Dreams (1994, SNES) Music and SFX
Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle (1994, Game Gear) Music
Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle (1994, Game Boy) MUSIC
Overlord (1994, DOS) Music
Yogi Bear's Goldrush (1994, Game Boy) Music
Yogi Bear's Goldrush (1994, Game Boy) FX
Cliffhanger (1993, Game Boy) Music by
Reach for the Skies (1993, DOS) Music
Legends of Valour (1993, Amiga) Music by
Legends of Valour (1993, Amiga) Sound Effects by
The Super Aquatic Games (1993, SNES) Music Driver
Time Slip (1993, SNES) Music / SFX
International Rugby Challenge (1993, DOS) Music
International Rugby Challenge (1993, DOS) Sound Effects
First Samurai (1992, DOS) Sound by
AV-8B Harrier Assault (1992, Amiga) Sound
Legends of Valour (1992, DOS) Audio
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, DOS) Original Music & Effects
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Amiga) Original music and effects
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Amstrad CPC) Original Music
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Amstrad CPC) Original SFX
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, ZX Spectrum) Original Music and FX
AV-8B Harrier Assault (1992, DOS) Sound
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Commodore 64) Effects
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Commodore 64) Music
Spindizzy Worlds (1992, SNES) Sound and SFX
Frenetic (1991, Amiga) Music & Sound FX by
Frenetic (1991, Atari ST) Music & Sound FX by
Rod-land (1991, Commodore 64) Sound by
Final Blow (1991, Amiga) Music
Final Blow (1991, Commodore 64) Music by
Final Blow (1991, Commodore 64) Sound Fx by
Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe (1991, Commodore 64) Music by
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (1991, Atari ST) Sound Effects by
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (1991, Commodore 64) Commodore 64 Sound Effects
R-Type II (1991, Amiga) Music by
S.W.I.V. (1991, Commodore 64) Music by
S.W.I.V. (1991, Commodore 64) SFX by
Thunderhawk (1991, DOS) Music & Sound Effects
Thunderhawk (1991, Amiga) Music
Thunderhawk (1991, Amiga) Sound Effects
Final Blow (1991, Atari ST) Music
Deuteros: The Next Millennium (1991, Amiga) ST Music
Hunter (1991, Amiga) Music & Sound Effects
Shadow Sorcerer (1991, DOS) Music
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Commodore 64) Music by
Dragon Breed (1990, Commodore 64) Music
Spindizzy Worlds (1990, Amiga) Sound and sfx by
Dragon Breed (1990, Amiga) Music by
Spindizzy Worlds (1990, Atari ST) Sound and sfx by
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Atari ST) Music
Ninja Spirit (1990, Commodore 64) Music by
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Atari ST) Music
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Atari ST) Music
9 Lives (1990, Atari ST) Music by
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Amiga) Music by
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Amiga) Sound Fx by
9 Lives (1990, Amiga) Music by
Defender II (1990, Amiga) Theme Composed by
Galaxy Force II (1989, Commodore 64) Music by
Altered Beast (1989, Commodore 64) Music by
Snare (1989, Commodore 64) Audio Systems
Armalyte (1988, Commodore 64) Music
Armalyte (1988, Commodore 64) Sound FX
Hunter's Moon (1987, Commodore 64) Sound FX
Chameleon (1986, Commodore 64) Sonics by
Quality Assurance
Captain America: Super Soldier (2011, Nintendo DS) Standards Technician
Armalyte (1988, Commodore 64) Test pilot