Platypus (2002, Windows)
Level Boss Music 2: "Armalyte" |
Earthworm Jim (1997, SEGA Master System)
Sound |
Cutthroat Island (1996, Game Boy)
Music and Sound FX conversion |
Street Racer (1996, Game Boy)
Music and Sound effects |
Mortal Kombat 3 (1995, Game Boy)
Music |
Earthworm Jim (1995, Game Boy)
Sound |
Pinball Fantasies (1995, Game Boy)
Sound |
Saban's VR Troopers (1995, Genesis)
Audio Compositions |
Saban's VR Troopers (1995, Genesis)
Programming |
Arena: Maze of Death (1995, Game Gear)
Music Driver |
Sports Trivia: Championship Edition (1995, Game Gear)
Music by |
Cutthroat Island (1995, Game Gear)
Music and Sound FX conversion |
Sports Trivia (1995, Game Gear)
Music by |
Waterworld (1995, Game Boy)
Sound Driver by |
Earthworm Jim (1995, Game Gear)
Sound |
Saban's VR Troopers (1995, Game Gear)
Music and Sound |
Pinball Mania (1995, Amiga)
Music and sound effects |
Flink (1994, Genesis)
Sound Driver |
Pinball Dreams (1994, SNES)
Music and SFX |
Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle (1994, Game Gear)
Music |
Tarzan: Lord of the Jungle (1994, Game Boy)
Overlord (1994, DOS)
Music |
Yogi Bear's Goldrush (1994, Game Boy)
Music |
Yogi Bear's Goldrush (1994, Game Boy)
FX |
Cliffhanger (1993, Game Boy)
Music by |
Reach for the Skies (1993, DOS)
Music |
Legends of Valour (1993, Amiga)
Music by |
Legends of Valour (1993, Amiga)
Sound Effects by |
The Super Aquatic Games (1993, SNES)
Music Driver |
Time Slip (1993, SNES)
Music / SFX |
International Rugby Challenge (1993, DOS)
Music |
International Rugby Challenge (1993, DOS)
Sound Effects |
First Samurai (1992, DOS)
Sound by |
AV-8B Harrier Assault (1992, Amiga)
Sound |
Legends of Valour (1992, DOS)
Audio |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, DOS)
Original Music & Effects |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Amiga)
Original music and effects |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Amstrad CPC)
Original Music |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Amstrad CPC)
Original SFX |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, ZX Spectrum)
Original Music and FX |
AV-8B Harrier Assault (1992, DOS)
Sound |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Commodore 64)
Effects |
Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game (1992, Commodore 64)
Music |
Spindizzy Worlds (1992, SNES)
Sound and SFX |
Frenetic (1991, Amiga)
Music & Sound FX by |
Frenetic (1991, Atari ST)
Music & Sound FX by |
Rod-land (1991, Commodore 64)
Sound by |
Final Blow (1991, Amiga)
Music |
Final Blow (1991, Commodore 64)
Music by |
Final Blow (1991, Commodore 64)
Sound Fx by |
Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe (1991, Commodore 64)
Music by |
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (1991, Atari ST)
Sound Effects by |
Double Dragon 3: The Rosetta Stone (1991, Commodore 64)
Commodore 64 Sound Effects |
R-Type II (1991, Amiga)
Music by |
S.W.I.V. (1991, Commodore 64)
Music by |
S.W.I.V. (1991, Commodore 64)
SFX by |
Thunderhawk (1991, DOS)
Music & Sound Effects |
Thunderhawk (1991, Amiga)
Music |
Thunderhawk (1991, Amiga)
Sound Effects |
Final Blow (1991, Atari ST)
Music |
Deuteros: The Next Millennium (1991, Amiga)
ST Music |
Hunter (1991, Amiga)
Music & Sound Effects |
Shadow Sorcerer (1991, DOS)
Music |
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Commodore 64)
Music by |
Dragon Breed (1990, Commodore 64)
Music |
Spindizzy Worlds (1990, Amiga)
Sound and sfx by |
Dragon Breed (1990, Amiga)
Music by |
Spindizzy Worlds (1990, Atari ST)
Sound and sfx by |
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Atari ST)
Music |
Ninja Spirit (1990, Commodore 64)
Music by |
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Atari ST)
Music |
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Atari ST)
Music |
9 Lives (1990, Atari ST)
Music by |
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Amiga)
Music by |
Atomic Robo-Kid (1990, Amiga)
Sound Fx by |
9 Lives (1990, Amiga)
Music by |
Defender II (1990, Amiga)
Theme Composed by |
Galaxy Force II (1989, Commodore 64)
Music by |
Altered Beast (1989, Commodore 64)
Music by |
Snare (1989, Commodore 64)
Audio Systems |
Armalyte (1988, Commodore 64)
Music |
Armalyte (1988, Commodore 64)
Sound FX |
Hunter's Moon (1987, Commodore 64)
Sound FX |
Chameleon (1986, Commodore 64)
Sonics by |