🕹️ Physical editions of Graveyard Keeper now shipping

Olivier Schneider

Moby ID: 15023

Wanted: We need a MobyGames approved biography! Contribute Biography

Credited on 21 games

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Detroit: Become Human (2018, PlayStation 4) Stunt Coordinators
Fahrenheit: Indigo Prophecy - Remastered (NSFW) (2015, Windows) Stunts Choreographer
Beyond: Two Souls (2013, PlayStation 3) Stunt Coordinators
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (2012, Xbox 360) Special Thanks
The Cursed Crusade (2011, PlayStation 3) Special Thanks
Heavy Rain (2010, PlayStation 3) Additional Cast
Wanted: Weapons of Fate (2009, Windows) Performers
Haze (2008, PlayStation 3) Performers
Speedball 2: Tournament (2007, Windows) Motion Capture Actor Stuntman
Heavenly Sword (2007, PlayStation 3) Stunt Director
Red Steel (2006, Wii) Stunt & Actors
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (2006, PlayStation 2) Actors
Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell: Double Agent (2006, Xbox 360) Animation and Motion Capture: Actors
Th3 Plan (2006, Windows) Motion Capture Actors
Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter (2006, Xbox 360) Motion Capture by Atopos
Indigo Prophecy (NSFW) (2005, PlayStation 2) Stunts Choreographer
Bet on Soldier: Blood Sport (2005, Windows) Motion Capture Staff
Top Gear: RPM Tuning (2005, Xbox) Featuring
Primal (2003, PlayStation 2) Motion Capture Actors
Seven Games of the Soul (1999, Windows) Motion Capture Actors

[ full credits ]


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