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Jeff Piva

Moby ID: 139391

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Jeff Piva has been working for Electronic Arts for approximately 3-years at the time of this writing, and currently holds the position of a Senior QA Tester.

Between the year 1999 and 2000, Jeff was credited in the following titles: FIFA '99 - PC, FIFA '99 - N64, NHL 2000 - PlayStation - Need 4 Speed: High Stakes - Playstation, Sledstorm - Playstation.

In 2000, Jeff left Electronic Arts to complete his post-secondary education, where he received a diploma in Criminology and an Associates of Arts degree in Criminology and Computer Information Systems.

Jeff returned to Electronic Arts Canada in March 2004 after gaining some very valuable life experience in the Security industry as a Security Supervisor on a major college campus. Since returning to Electronic Arts, he has been credited in the following titles: FIFA 2005, Total Club Manager (TCM) 2005, FIFA Street 1, FIFA 2006, FIFA Street 2, and is currently working on "a basketball" title.

Credited on 10 games

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UEFA Champions League 2006-2007 (2007, Xbox 360) Testers
Medal of Honor: Heroes (2006, PSP) Testers
FIFA Street 2 (2006, PlayStation 2) Testers
FIFA Soccer 06 (2005, PlayStation 2) QA Testers
FIFA Street (2005, PlayStation 2) Testers
FIFA Soccer 2005 (2004, Windows) Testers
NHL 2000 (1999, Windows) Quality Assurance
Need for Speed: High Stakes (1999, PlayStation) Testers
Sled Storm (1999, PlayStation) LT Testers - N. A.
FIFA 99 (1998, Windows) QA Testers

[ full credits ]


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