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Yuka Imai

aka: 今井 由香
Moby ID: 123817

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Credited on 63 games

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Tales of the Rays (2017, iPad) Cast
Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (2017, PlayStation 4) Larsa
Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time (2011, PSP) Maggy (マギー)
Cross Edge (2009, PlayStation 3) Lilith
Aa Megami-sama (2007, PlayStation 2) Chihiro Fujimi (藤見千尋)
Tales of the World: Radiant Mythology (2006, PSP) Rutee (ルーティ)
Mega Man ZX (2006, Nintendo DS) Model L / Tulip / Leonardo
Final Fantasy XII (2006, PlayStation 2) Larsa
Namco x Capcom (2005, PlayStation 2) Rutee Kartret (ルーティ・カトレット)
Mega Man Zero 4 (2005, Game Boy Advance) Voice Cast
Deus Machina Demonbane (NSFW) (2004, PlayStation 2) Claudius (クラウディウス)
Mega Man Zero 3 (2004, Game Boy Advance) Voice Cast
Otogi 2: Immortal Warriors (2003, Xbox) Voice Artists
Triangle Again 2 (2003, PlayStation 2) Akari Tateshina (蓼科 灯)
Mega Man Zero 2 (2003, Game Boy Advance) Voice Cast
Happy Breeding (2003, PlayStation 2) Choco (チョコ)
Triangle Again (2003, PlayStation 2) Akari Tateshina (蓼科 灯)
Tales of Destiny 2 (2002, PlayStation 2) Rutee Katret (ルーティ・カトレット)
Ojamajo Doremi Dokkan: Nijiiro Para-dice (2002, PlayStation) The Queen of the Witch World (魔女界の女王様)
Mega Man Zero (2002, Game Boy Advance) Voice Cast

[ full credits ]


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